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*Listed alphabetically by region and last name.  British Columbia & Yukon Sean Ruthen Architect AIBC FRAIC It is an important moment for...  >>
Ottawa, October 30th, 2018 - The Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP), the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA), Engineers Canada and the...  >>
Are you interested in helping to shape architectural practice? We would like to hear from you. The RAIC is developing the Canadian Handbook of...  >>
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CALA-ACE Mutual Recognition Agreement makes it possible for architects to take advantage of trans-Atlantic opportunities to work Montreal,...  >>
Missed your chance to see POP // CAN // CRIT 2018: The Business of Architecturelive? Want to re-live the day’s engaging discussions and lively...  >>
Calgary, AB, Charlottetown, PEI, Edmonton, AB, Montreal, QC, Northern Village of Kuujjuaq QC, PercéQC,Quebec City, QC, Toronto, ON, Vancouver, BC...  >>
The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) has partnered with The Personal—one of Canada’s leading group insurance companies for over 40...  >>
The Canadian Red Cross is recruiting for casual construction delegates, shelter and settlement delegates, and water, sanitation and hygiene delegates...  >>
OTTAWA, September 11, 2018 — The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) will unveil a beautiful new design for the Governor General’s Medals...  >>
Next year’s Festival of Architecture takes place in Toronto, October 26-30, with a theme of “The Future of Architecture.” Stay tuned to RAIC...  >>
