RAIC New Member Spotlight: Ozana Gherman, MRAIC | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


RAIC New Member Spotlight: Ozana Gherman, MRAIC

Ozana is an intern architect practicing in Canada. She graduated with her Master of Architecture from Dalhousie University in 2017, and was awarded the School of Architecture Thesis Prize and the Bruce & the Dorothy Rossetti Scholarship.

Having originally immigrated from Romania, she is interested in the way people connect to place. Her research examines how monument architecture and public space can adapt to migration and displacement. Since graduating, Ozana has worked at firms such as Omar Gandhi Architect Inc, MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects Ltd in Halifax and London UK firm All World Design led by Will Alsop. With a background in fine art and design, graduating from OCAD University (2011), she continues practicing as a textile artist and is interested in the relationship between architecture and weaving.