RAIC is pleased to announce confirmed dates and venues for its future conferences from 2020 to 2030. Known until 2019 as the Festival of Architecture, the future RAIC Conference on Architecture will continue to be Canada’s premier annual gathering for leaders and emerging talents in architecture and design, students, faculty, and allied professionals. It is the place for industry thought leaders to engage, strengthen our profession, and keep up to date with continuing changes in practice, from sustainability to digital transformation.
RAIC Conferences are tailored for work and educational success and feature high-quality learning sessions, including continuing education, tours, networking, and more. Participants at all career stages will take away insight, inspiration, and ideas for practical application.
The RAIC has been hard at work confirming dates and venues for its future conferences. Securing these dates in advance will allow members to plan ahead and book travel early, and it also means we can get you the best deals on facilities, tours, and accommodations.
"The RAIC's conference is the largest annual gathering of architecture professionals in Canada,” says RAIC Past President Michael Cox. "Year after year, this event continues to raise the profile of Canadian architecture and foster excellence in the profession.”
Mark your calendars and join us in Vancouver, Calgary, and Montreal for these outstanding events.
June 1-4, 2025
Montreal, Quebec
RAIC Conference 2026
May 5-9, 2026
Vancouver, British Columbia
RAIC Conference 2027
May 4-8, 2027
Calgary, Alberta
RAIC Conference 2028
TBA- coming soon
RAIC Conference 2029
June 3-6, 2029
Montreal, Quebec
RAIC Conference 2030
May 7-11, 2030
Vancouver, British Columbia