OTTAWA, April 1, 2020–The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) is honoured to announce the 31 individuals named to the RAIC College of Fellows for 2020. There are 13 cities and communities from across Canada represented in the cohort this year.
The College of Fellows of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) bestows Fellowship to RAIC members in recognition of outstanding achievement. Criteria include design excellence, exceptional scholarly contribution, or distinguished service to the profession or the community.
Representing Canada coast-to-coast, the 31 new Fellows come from Saint John, NB, Montreal, QC, Ottawa, ON, Toronto, ON. Brantford ON, Winnipeg, MB, Calgary AB, Edmonton AB, Vancouver, BC, Regina, SK, Saskatoon SK, Saanichton BC, and Charlottesville Virginia.
A complete list of new Fellows is below. Photos and citations are available by request.
2020 New Fellows
Atlantic Monica Adair, Saint John
Quebec Anne Cormier, Montreal Michel Lauzon, Montreal
Ontario North and East & Nunavut Alex Leung, Ottawa Heather Semple, Ottawa David R. Mungall, Ottawa
Ontario Southwest Ana-Francisca de la Mora, Toronto Christine Leu, Toronto Daniel McNeil, Toronto D'Arcy Arthurs, Toronto Edward Applebaum, Toronto J. Ronald Mar, Toronto Lynne Wilson Orr, Toronto Mary Tremain, Toronto Paul Sapounzi, Brantford Bernard Jin, Toronto
Manitoba Gail Little, Winnipeg
Alberta/NWT Coben Christiansen, Calgary Cynthia Dovell, Edmonton Jan Pierzchajlo, Edmonton Patricia Swanson, Edmonton
BC/Yukon James Carter-Huffman, Vancouver Joyce Drohan, Vancouver Melissa Higgs, Vancouver Richard F. Evans, Vancouver Tracey Mactavish, Vancouver Brian Wakelin, Vancouver
Saskatchewan James Jeffrey Youck, Regina Maurice Soulodre, Saskatoon
Victoria Chapter Arthur James Finlayson, Saanichton
International Ila Berman, Charlottesville |
The RAIC previously announced the Honorary Fellows for 2020 on February 7, 2020. The list of Honorary Fellows for this year include Kevin R. Hydes P. Eng, Lenore Lucey, FAIA, Mariam Kamara, and Mickey Jacob, FAIA.
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic—which has led to the cancellation of the RAIC 2020 Conference on Architecture, and with it the College of Fellows Convocation—the new Fellows and Honorary Fellows will be honoured at the 2021 convocation. The ceremony will occur during the 2021 RAIC Conference in Montreal from June 6 to 9, 2021.
About the RAIC
The Royal Architecture Institute of Canada (RAIC) is a not-for-profit, national organization that has represented architects and architecture for over 100 years, in existence since 1907. The RAIC is the leading voice for excellence in the built environment in Canada, demonstrating how design enhances the quality of life, while addressing important issues of society through responsible architecture. The RAIC’s mission is to promote excellence in the built environment and to advocate for responsible architecture. The organization national office is based in Ottawa with a growing federated chapter model. Current chapters and networks are based in British Columbia, Alberta and Nova Scotia.