1. Purpose
This endowment fund was established in honour of Kiyoshi Matsuzaki PP/FRAIC, 1943- 2012. It awards the annual Kiyoshi Matsuzaki RAIC Scholarship to a student enrolled in the RAIC Syllabus Program.
The Scholarship advances Kiyoshi Matsuzaki's personal belief in the future of the profession of architecture and his unyielding support of the new generation of students, the next leaders of our profession.
2. Eligibility
All students in good standing, who are at a minimum 50% complete in the RAIC Syllabus Program, may apply.
3. Criteria
Applications are evaluated by how well each meets the requirements as established and reviewed from time to time by the RAIC Board of Directors:
The Scholarship embodies the RAIC’s commitment to deserving students by promoting excellence and providing financial support to those whose demonstrated commitment is to complete the RAIC Syllabus Program with the full intention of achieving professional registration through a CALA (Canadian Architectural Licensing Authority) member.
The recipient of this award shall demonstrate to the jury that they are the most deserving based upon academic achievement, studio and work experience and financial need.
4. Application Requirements
Each application/ submission must include the following material:
- Submission form
- Academic transcript
- Curriculum Vitae / biography (max. 2 pages)
- Letters of support (minimum 1, maximum 3)
- A one-page statement by the applicant outlining why their application should be considered for the Scholarship
- Examples of academic and/or employed work (maximum three pages)
- A completed image index, providing captions and full credit information for each image, if applicable.
Applications are to be submitted through the RAIC online submission platform.
Entries can be submitted either in English or in French.
All entries will be retained by the RAIC and RAIC Foundation for publication, exhibition and archival purposes.
Note: Once you have started the online submission process, you may 'save' and come back at a later date to complete your submission (prior to the submission deadline).
Submissions must be received before 10:00 p.m. ET, May 2, 2025. Entrants are solely responsible for timely submissions. This date and time are firm without exceptions.
For more information
E-mail: awards-prix@raic.org
Tel: (613) 241-3600 x 2015