2014 Prix du XXe siècle - Jury Members | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


2014 Prix du XXe siècle - Jury Members

Susan Ross, OAQ, MRAIC, LEED AP, FAPT, was recently appointed as Assistant Professor in the School of Canadian Studies of Carleton University, where she is now teaching in the graduate programme in heritage conservation. She previously worked as senior conservation architect with the Heritage Conservation Directorate at Public Works and Government Services Canada (2002-2013), providing conservation advice and regulatory reviews, and developing policy and training. Prior to completing a graduate degree in conservation from University of Montréal, she worked both in private practice and for heritage organizations in Montreal and Berlin (1986-1999). Her project work has addressed alterations and additions to hospitals, schools, factories, a power station, lighthouses, office buildings and historic houses. She has been part of the advisory and planning committees of numerous conferences, including Conserving the Modern in Canada (2005). Her research on topics such as waterworks landscapes, modern heritage and sustainable conservation has been published in Canadian and international journals. Susan was elected in 2013 to the College of Fellows of the Association for Preservation Technology for her role in helping advance sustainable heritage conservation practices.

Graeme F. Duffus, NSAA, AANB, MRAIC, CAHP, is President of G. F. Duffus & Company  Ltd. Architects in Halifax, NS. He is a graduate of Dalhousie University (BSc.1970 & BArch. 1975). Mr. Duffus has been involved in a wide variety of Architectural projects since 1971. As the founding principal of the firm of G. F. Duffus & Company Ltd., in 1984, he has been responsible for projects within fields such as housing, planning, commercial (now mostly institutional), with clients in all levels of government, various institutions and the private sector.

As a special interest, Mr. Duffus has prepared Conservation Plans for numerous heritage buildings and undertaken many projects which have degrees of repair and upgrades to full Restoration. At the end of  2013 he had undertaken or started over 264 Heritage projects.

Mr. Duffus served as a member of Halifax's Heritage Advisory Committee and as Vice President of the Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia (2000-2007. Mr Duffus has been a member of the Association of Preservation Technology since 1980 and is a member of the Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals.

Michael McMordie is a graduate of the Universities of Toronto (BArch 1962) and Edinburgh (PhD 1972). From 1965 until 1974 a member of the Edinburgh faculty, he joined the Faculty of Environmental Design at the University of Calgary in 1974. His doctoral research comprised an historical and critical study of important sources of modern architectural theory. He taught architectural history and theory at both Edinburgh and Calgary, acted as a studio instructor and supervised the work of graduate students. At Calgary he served as Director of the architecture program 1979-82, Dean of the Faculty of General Studies (now part of the Faculty of Arts) 1990-98 and from 1999 to 2005 Director of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in the Faculty of Graduate Studies. He retired from the university in 2005 and is an Emeritus Professor of Environmental Design. He has longstanding interests in architectural archival records and heritage conservation. His most recent publication, with Linda Fraser And Geoffrey Simmins, is John C. Parkin, Archives and Photography: Reflections on the Practice and Presentation of Modern Architecture, University of Calgary Press 2013. He is a member of the City of Calgary Heritage Advisory Board.