RAIC Letter Regarding Ontario Place | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

RAIC Letter Regarding Ontario Place

July 3, 2024

The RAIC urges the Province of Ontario to reconsider and halt the plans to demolish Ontario Place.  
Ontario Place is recognized as a cultural heritage landscape by the Province and the City of Toronto and has gained significant international recognition including The Cultural Landscape Foundation (Washington), which in 2019 enrolled Ontario Place in its Landslide program of culturally important landscapes that are threatened and the World Monuments Fund (New York), which included the site on its Monuments Watch list in 2020 and launched an initiative to both grow awareness of the cultural landmark’s importance and to protect its future.
Ontario Place can continue to be a place that celebrates Ontario and Ontarians and remain the public space it was designed to be, a place that is even more important as we face the challenges of the 21st century.  Ontario Place presents the opportunity to meet these challenges by continuing to provide free public space; remaining a destination for entertainment, learning, celebration and gathering; and protecting its mature, naturalized landscapes, beaches, and recreation areas. 
The RAIC supports calls for action led by Ontario Place Protectors and others to stop the demolition at Ontario Place that began on June 23 under the authority of the “Rebuilding Ontario Place Act” (ROPA). We instead call on the government to make Preservation of the cultural heritage of Ontario Place a top priority. 
RAIC welcomes the opportunity to be part of the conversation to help conserve Ontario Place’s integrated design and architecture and to support a place that is irreplaceable, has been a cultural mainstay for more than a half century, and is part of our collective identity.
Jonathan Bisson
Mike Brennan
Chief Executive Officer
About the RAIC
The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) is a not-for-profit, national organization dedicated to representing architects and architecture since 1907. The RAIC is the only national voice for excellence in the built environment in Canada focused on providing Canada’s architectural community with the tools, resources, and education to elevate their practice. The RAIC is committed to showcasing how design enhances quality of life, while advocating for important issues of society through responsible architecture. The RAIC’s purpose is to create a better world for all by empowering Canada’s architectural community. Through our work, the organization envisions a strong architectural community that is valued and empowered to create change.