Volunteer - Professional Practice Working Group | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

Volunteer - Professional Practice Working Group

The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
Job Description: 
The RAIC is seeking two RAIC member volunteers to join the RAIC Professional Practice Working Group (PPWG)
The purpose of the Professional Practice Working Group is to engage the knowledge and experience of members and Fellows to: a) guide, develop and maintain appropriate resources to support architectural practice in Canada; provide regular insight into the evolution, unmet needs, and challenges of architectural practice in Canada to inform advocacy initiatives and the practice support services offered by the RAIC; and to support the RAIC Advisors to Professional Practice in their practice portfolios.
Duration of Term:
Three (3) years (August 1, 2024 - July 31, 2027) - With the goal of balancing continuity and renewal, the new member will be asked to commit to one-, two- or three-year term. 
Duration of Term: 2-3 years
Meetings: Up to 12 times per year
Deadline to apply: July 31, 2024
Application Email: 
Job Category: 
Position Type: 