The King Charles III Coronation Medal | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

The King Charles III Coronation Medal

A Canadian commemorative medal has been created to mark His Majesty King Charles III’s Coronation on May 6, 2023. The King Charles III Coronation Medal is a visible and tangible way to recognize 30 000 outstanding individuals of all ages and from all walks of life who have made a difference in their communities.

To ensure the broadest possible recognition, several partners, including the RAIC, have been invited to nominate candidates from their communities or organizations for this national honour. We invite RAIC members to nominate their peers, who are also members, for this recognition.

This medal program is administered by the Chancellery of Honours, as part of the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General (OSGG).

Please see the call for nominations page for information on eligibility, guidelines for the selection of nominees and more.

The deadline to submit a nomination is 10 pm ET, August 8, 2024.