RAIC Foundation Scholarships and Bursaries | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


RAIC Foundation Scholarships and Bursaries

The RAIC Foundation administers a wide variety of awards, scholarships and bursaries for students and interns, most of them awarded annually. The call for submissions is posted on the RAIC and RAICF websites sent to schools of architecture in November each year. 

2024 RAIC Foundation Scholarship Recipients

2023 RAIC Foundation Scholarship Recipients

2022 RAIC Foundation Scholarship Recipients


The 2025 portfolio features new and expanded opportunities! The new Bing Thom Award is an essay competition open to all students enrolled in a Canadian school of architecture, or in the RAIC Syllabus Program. The eligibility criteria for the College of Fellows Centennial Fund have been expanded and it will offer two awards this year.

Due by March 7, 10 pm ET:

The David Thom Leadership Award

RAIC Foundation Bursary

Canada Green Building Council Scholarship for Sustainable Design and Research

Bing Thom Award - *New*

Due by May 2, 10 pm ET:

Vince Catalli Scholarship for Sustainable Architectural Innovation

Kiyoshi Matsuzaki RAIC Endowment Fund and Scholarship

The Arts and Letters Club of Toronto Foundation's Award for Architectural Conservation 

College of Fellows Centennial Fund for Intern/Intern Architect - *updated*



For a full list of RAIC Foundation bursaries, please visit raicf.ca.

Follow the RAIC Foundation on Twitter and Facebook.