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OTTAWA, July 13, 2016– The three parklets that animated downtown Nanaimo this summer may be gone, but their impact on education, public awareness of...  >>
On July 4, Jennifer Cutbill, MRAIC, Regional Director for BC/Yukon and Wayne DeAngelis, PP/FRAIC presented an Honorary Membership certificate to...  >>
On June 3, following the Saskatchewan Association of Architects’ Annual General Meeting in Regina, local RAIC Fellows gathered at Golf’s Steakhouse....  >>
John Brown, FRAIC, Regional Director for Alberta/Northwest Territories, presented the National Urban Design Award to CEO Michael Brown of the Calgary...  >>
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Hadani Ditmars is a Vancouver journalist and author of Dancing in the No Fly Zone: a Woman’s Journey Through Iraq whose feature on Arthur Erickson’s...  >>
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The RAIC is pleased to announce a new addition to the staff of the National Office in Ottawa. Donald Ardiel, MRAIC, will assume the full-time...  >>
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nanaimo, June 7, 2016 – Three new parklets, designed with seating and plantings, have been installed on Commercial Street in...  >>
Browse images of the 2016 Festival of Architecture in Nanaimo, B.C.   >>
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At the most recent RAIC annual general meeting (AGM) in Nanaimo on June 8, a vote was taken on a motion to amend the bylaws governing the use of the...  >>
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A spokesperson for BGIS said the company will re-issue a revised solicitation incorporating industry feedback. Brookfield Global Integrated...  >>
