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Ottawa October 13, 2020–The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada is pleased to welcome Paul Mitchell, B.Arch.,OAA, FRAIC to the RAIC operational...  >>
OTTAWA October 1st, 2020–The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada invites submissions for its portfolio of annual awards for 2021. This year, the...  >>
Looking back on her 15th Anniversary with the RAIC    After fifteen years with the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, Chantal Charbonneau Hon...  >>
  OTTAWA September 17, 2020–The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada is pleased to welcome Ivan Martinovic, Dipl. Eng. Arch., OAA, FRAIC,...  >>
OTTAWA June 24, 2020–On Friday, March 13, 2020, RAIC CEO Mike Brennan announced that the head office facility would be closed temporarily and...  >>
    OTTAWA June 3, 2020–A new Canada-wide challenge launched Wednesday to generate responsible, sustainable, and resilient design solutions that...  >>
Ottawa June 2, 2020– Due to the ongoing humanitarian crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, its effect on the global economy, and the restrictions...  >>
On June 2, 2020, the RAIC released a statement  on current events regarding systemic racism and protests regarding unjust actions or lack of action....  >>
The health, safety, and well-being of all RAIC stakeholders—including the board of directors, staff, volunteers, and participants—is foremost on our...  >>
All members are invited to attend the RAIC’s 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM)  via web conferencing on Tuesday, June 9 from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m....  >>
