SKU: CEWW200411
This 1 hour webinar has two aims: (a) to acquaint participants with a wide range of recording techniques; and (b) to help students decide which techniques are best suited to which sites and objectives.
Digital Recording of Existing and Historic Buildings for Conservation
Topic: Heritage conservation, Advanced Technologies
Length: 1 hour l What's included: video, quiz, certificate of completion
This webinar is available to stream!
Recording the physical characteristics of historic and existing structures is a cornerstone of retrofit, rehabilitation, preventive maintenance, monitoring and conservation. The information produced by such work guides decision-making by property owners, site managers, public officials, and conservators. Rigorous documentation may also serve a broader purpose: over time, it becomes the primary means by which scholars and the public apprehends a site that has since changed radically or disappeared.
In times of COVID-19 pandemic, the availability of reliable documentation of existing and heritage places, in particular real-time sensors providing information can allow to prevent secondary threats such as looting, fires or other unforeseen issues when not monitoring the site. This webinar have two aims: (a) to acquaint participants with a wide range of recording techniques; and (b) to help students decide which techniques are best suited to which sites and objectives. Led by an expert in the field, the training program will benefit from instruction in various branches of the recording work.
Learning Otcomes
At the conclusion of this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Identify the role and need of information in the retrofit and rehabilitation of existing and historic buildings, emphasizing in conservation practices in Canada
- Evaluate and formulate an appropriate method for Digital Recording of Existing and Historic Buildings
- Evaluate and examine of what to specify when requesting digital recording projects
- Participants will be able to assess the continuous evolution of new tools and methods in Digital Recording of Existing and Historic Buildings
Subject Matter Expert

Mario Santana Quintero, PhD. MSc. Architect, P.Eng Limited License
Professor l Carleton University
Professor l Carleton University
Available Until: December 31, 2022
Pricing A-La-Carte
Member: $50 / Non-Member: $75
Intern Member: $35 / Intern Non-Member: $50
Student: $25 (must be an RAIC student associate member)
This is a recording of a live event.
This webinar is part of a series! See more like this here.
List price: $75.00
Member Price: