This scholarship has been established through an endowment from the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC). The first installment of the endowment was provided in June 2006. The main purpose of the fund is to nurture the next generation of “green” designers.
The Canada Green Building Council’s mission is to promote buildings that are environmentally responsible, profitable, and healthy places to live, work and play by engaging a national coalition of industry leaders to accelerate the mainstream adoption of green building principles, policies, practices, standards and tools.
The CAGBC Scholarship was established to promote and encourage sustainable research and design in Canadian Schools of Architecture.
Full-time students who have been registered in a Master’s degree program leading to a professional degree in architecture at one of the accredited University Schools of Architecture in Canada or the RAIC Syllabus during the calendar year (2024 - 2025) in which the award is being made are eligible to apply.
Each school can select one (1) student to apply for this scholarship. Faculty should coordinate to ensure only one entry is submitted per school.
Jury Selection Process
The Foundation Trustees will appoint a jury of three (3) persons. The jury will include one Fellow of the RAIC who is a LEEDTM accredited professional; one member appointed by the CaGBC; and one architect who is a member of the RAIC and is also a LEEDTM accredited professional.
The jury shall select the most promising Master’s thesis proposal or final research report from those submitted by the Schools of Architecture or by the RAIC Syllabus Program. The jury will meet by teleconference or as otherwise required to make a determination as to the recipient of the CAGBC Scholarship. The proponent of the selected thesis proposal or research report shall receive the scholarship and the jury’s decision shall be final.
A Call for Submissions will be issued by the RAIC to all accredited University Schools of Architecture in Canada and to the RAIC Syllabus Program. The Submission from each School shall be the most promising Master’s Thesis proposal or report that focuses on research or design for a sustainable built-environment. Only one submission is permitted from each School of Architecture.
Each submission shall be submitted by the student of the School’s selected Master’s Thesis proposal through the RAIC online submission platform and contain the following:
- Submission Form;
- A Master’s Thesis proposal, or research report completed in the calendar year (2024-2025) – a maximum of three pages;
- A letter from the School of Architecture outlining the proponent’s academic accomplishments.
- 100-word abstract summarizing the submission, to be used for possible promotional and / or marketing purposes.
- A completed image index, providing captions and full credit information for each image, if applicable.
Applications are to be submitted through the RAIC online submission platform.
Entries can be submitted either in English or in French.
All entries will be retained by the RAIC and RAIC Foundation for publication, exhibition and archival purposes.
Note: Once you have started the online submission process, you may 'save' and come back at a later date to complete your submission (prior to the submission deadline).
Submissions must be received before 10:00 p.m. ET, March 7, 2025. Entrants are solely responsible for timely submissions. This date and time are firm without exceptions.
Number of Awards
One scholarship will be awarded annually or as interest in the endowment permits. At its discretion, the jury may elect not to confer an award.
The award shall be a scholarship in the amount of $5,000.
The scholarship recipient shall be required to submit one copy of the final thesis or research report to the RAIC, and where possible, make a presentation to RAIC members.
For more information
E-mail: awards-prix@raic.org
Tel: (613) 241-3600 x 2015