1. Background
As the country grows and changes, historic buildings play a crucial role in place-making, now and into the future. This annual award will recognize emerging heritage conservation practitioners and will celebrate excellence, innovation, and best practices in the applied field of architectural conservation while supporting an understanding of Canada’s built heritage.
This annual award, established in 2021 in partnership with the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Foundation (RAICF), was created in recognition of Richard Moorhouse for his leadership as the Founding President of The Arts and Letters Club of Toronto Foundation (ALCT Foundation), and former Chair of the National Trust for Canada and in appreciation of his life-long contributions, both as a professional and as a volunteer, to the field of heritage conservation.
The award adds to the RAICF’s award portfolio and is the first to highlight architectural conservation. It will be administered by the RAICF and will be established at a minimum sum of $1,000.00 per annum, to be reviewed every five years by the award partners. The award will be announced and payable to the recipient in one lump sum each year.
2. Eligibility
Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada working on applied research and/or projects that are making a tangible contribution to the field of architectural conservation within Canada, and must be either a student at an accredited Canadian school of architecture or a recent architecture graduate (within five years).
3. Criteria
The award embodies the RAICF’s commitment to deserving students by promoting excellence and providing financial support to those whose demonstrated commitment is to pursue a career in architectural conservation. The award also supports the ALCT Foundation mandate to advance education by providing scholarships, bursaries and awards to Canadian residents for demonstrated excellence in the arts.
The recipient of this award shall demonstrate to the jury that he or she is the most deserving based upon academic achievement, and studio and work experience.
4. Application Requirements
The submissions are to be completed using the RAIC Awards Online Submission Platform. Each application/submission must include:
- Submission form
- Curriculum Vitae/Resumé (max. 1 page) highlighting the applicant’s architectural conservation projects
- applicant’s statement (max. 3 pages) outlining how their work will contribute to the field of architectural conservation
- letters of support (max. 2); if a student applicant, at least one letter from a faculty member at their School of Architecture. If a graduate and part of a team project, then at least one letter from their supervisor, a licensed team architect.
- 100-word abstract summarizing the submission, to be used for possible promotional and / or marketing purposes.
- A completed image index, providing captions and full credit information for each image, if applicable.
Applications are to be submitted through the RAIC online submission platform.
Entries can be submitted either in English or in French.
All entries will be retained by the RAIC and RAIC Foundation for publication, exhibition and archival purposes.
Note: Once you have started the online submission process, you may 'save' and come back at a later date to complete your submission (prior to the submission deadline).
Submissions must be received before 10:00 p.m. ET, Friday, May 2, 2025. Entrants are solely responsible for timely submissions. This date and time are firm without exceptions.
For more information
E-mail: awards-prix@raic.org
Tel: (613) 241-3600 x 2015