Webday Wednesdays - Bracing for Change: The Unforeseen Challenges of a BIM Transformation | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


Webday Wednesdays - Bracing for Change: The Unforeseen Challenges of a BIM Transformation

 Registration is closed for this event
For the month of January, the RAIC is pleased to present a weekly series on the subject of Building Information Modelling (BIM).


Bracing for Change: The Unforeseen Challenges of a BIM Transformation
Date: January 30, 2019
Experience Level: Intermediate
Presenter: Steve Nonis
Principal, Turner Fleischer Architects Inc.


BIM is here, and it is disrupting workflows, practices, and how we deliver our projects. Firms that are ready for this transformation will have an advantage: being prepared as a business and studio. However, what challenges can studios of all sizes, that are beginning to implement BIM expect? What are the unforeseen burdens, interruptions, and benefits of embracing this disruption? This presentation will center around lessons learned from the implementation of BIM in the private sector at a 150-person firm, with a focus on the realities of running a business amid a radical technological shift. We will share the unplanned Human Resource and financial issues faced in introducing new technology and processes. We will pass on lessons learned to practices considering BIM adoption, taking an honest, open look at staffing needs, return on investment, education, and advocacy. We believe BIM is the way of the future, but it is naive to ignore what is required to transform a studio, how it affects operations and the consequences of not doing so. Merging business strategies with industry reality, this session aims to enhance the RAIC program, opening dialogue allowing companies to evaluate their own position based on our discoveries, challenges, and lessons.

Steve Nonis is driven to achieve the optimal connection between new design technologies and the pursuit of thoughtful solutions. He is at the forefront of Turner Fleischer’s BIM initiatives and instrumental in TF’s pioneering efforts to apply 3D design processes. An experienced speaker, he has led presentations as part of Autodesk University and spoken at local and international institutions. Steve was recently a presenter at the RAIC’s 2018 conference, speaking to his firm’s BIM transformation.

At the completion of this session, the participant/learner will be able to:

  • To detail what it takes to implement BIM in their firm
  • To analyze the real considerations are to adopting BIM and decide if it is right for their practice and business model, including what the expected consequences are if a studio elects not to use BIM
  • To apply the knowledge of how BIM impacts the architect’s role in the management of projects and how to leverage a major investment in BIM to provide value added services and enhance workflow in their firm
  • To explain the history of technological advancement in architecture and assess if the current technical infrastructure within their firm is sufficient for the future

Continuing education learning hours: 1 credit

This webinar is sponsored by

The Canada BIM Council serves as Canada's business voice for the architecture, engineering, construction, owner, operator and education community who are working collectively to adopt and implement digital technologies and practices.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Sunday, January 27, 2019.

$25 for RAIC members, plus applicable taxes.
$30 for non-members, plus applicable taxes.

SCHEDULE: The Webinar will take place on Wednesday, January 30 at 1 p.m. ET in English.
The Canada-wide schedule by time zone is:









10 a.m.

11 a.m.

12 noon

1 p.m.

2 p.m.

2:30 p.m.


11 a.m.

12 noon

1 p.m.

2 p.m.

3 p.m.

3:30 p.m.

More information, including online access instructions and a PDF copy of the slides will be sent to you by email on the Monday prior to the Webday webinar. 

2019-01-30 13:00 through  2:00 PM