New RAIC Doc 6 Schedules for Specific Project Types | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

New RAIC Doc 6 Schedules for Specific Project Types



RAIC Candian Standard Forms of Contract

The Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services – Document Six, 2018 Edition, and theCanadian Standard Form of Contract between Architect and Consultant – Document Nine, 2018 Edition are subject to the Copyright Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-42. You may not reproduce these RAIC Contracts, in whole or in part, by any means and in any format, for any purposes of commercial or non-commercial distribution, except as described below, without prior written permission from the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada.

The Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services – Document Six, 2018 Edition, and theCanadian Standard Form of Contract between Architect and Consultant – Document Nine, 2018 Edition are now rescinded. These RAIC Contracts may only be downloaded and used for study purposes in preparation for the 2024 ExAC. You may reproduce any part of these RAIC Contracts, by any means and in any format, and without charge or further permission, provided that you are an Intern from one of the Canadian provincial and territorial licensing authorities and a 2024 ExAC Candidate.

The new RAIC Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architect’s Services Document Six, was published in March 2017. It is now being adopted by architects and clients across the country. Since then, the RAIC Practice Support Committee has developed five new schedules for Document Six. RAIC Document Six “Schedule A – Services” provides a comprehensive list of services provided by architects for virtually any type of project. These new schedules provide focused lists of services for specific project types.

  • Schedule A1 - Predesign Services
  • Schedule A2 - Building Condition Assessment Services
  • Schedule A3 - Services for Simple to Average Projects
  • Schedule A4 – Custom Residential Design Services
  • Schedule A5 – Interior Fit-up Services

Available in both French and English, these new schedules are part of the complete Document Six package. The Document Six package can be downloaded from

This July, the RAIC will be releasing the new RAIC Canadian Standard Form of Contract between Architect and Consultant Document Nine and the new Guide to Determining Appropriate Fees for the Services of an Architect.

You are always welcome to contact the RAIC if you have any questions about the use of standard forms of contacts.


Donald Ardiel

Director, Practice Support