Ottawa Architecture Week: Birdhouse Painting Workshop for Children Ages 4-8 | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

Ottawa Architecture Week: Birdhouse Painting Workshop for Children Ages 4-8

Birdhouse painting workshop graphic

Come and paint birdhouses with your child!  

As part of “Ottawa Architecture Week”, The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) is sponsoring a children’s workshop in partnership with the Ottawa Regional Society of Architects (ORSA).   This is a creative and educational event for children ages 4-8 that will allow the children to paint birdhouses.  

During the event, the children, accompanied by an adult, can express their creativity while they paint the birdhouses and learn about architecture, the importance of green spaces and the use and meaning of colour. To participate, you must register your child and an adult must accompany the child. 

This year's topic for the Ottawa Architecture Week is “Vacant Cities”.  As part of this workshop, we are raising awareness of how architects help design vibrant, inviting buildings and their surroundings to attract people to cities.  They also promote the creation of green spaces in major cities to attract wildlife, such as beautiful birds!  Painting birdhouses allows children to have fun and express their creativity while learning about the built environment and how colour plays a role in expression.   


Why Register Now? 

🏠 Create a home for birds

🌳 Learn about architecture and promote green spaces

🎨 Get creative

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Have family fun 

Don’t forget to register today to access this opportunity for your children. Spaces are limited, so use the links below to register for a session:

Session 1 on Saturday, September 28 · 10:00am - 11:30am EDT

Session 2 on Saturday, September 28 · 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT

Session 3 on Saturday, September 28 · 3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT


We are looking for Ottawa Volunteers!  

The members of the RAIC are encouraged to Volunteer at the event!  Each volunteer would host and assist a table of 5 children to paint their birdhouses.  Your role will be to guide, explain, help and ensure that the experience is enjoyable for the children.  Children must be accompanied by an adult. 

We would encourage you to speak about the topic of “Vacant Cities” and discuss how architects help design vibrant, inviting buildings and their surroundings to attract people to cities as well as the creation of green spaces in major cities to attract wildlife, such as beautiful birds!   

If you can volunteer for this fun event, please contact Gerrie Doyle, FRAIC