National Urban Design Awards — 2014 Recipient

11 Division - Toronto Police Service
Award Category: 
Urban Architecture

Stantec Architecture, E.R.A. (Heritage Architecture)
gh3 (Landscape Architecture)

For nearly a century, children raised in Toronto’s west-end Junction district, a mixed-use area formerly known for its stockyards, attended Carleton Village Public School. After the school’s closure, the 3.5 acre site was chosen as the new address for 11 Division. The project retained the oldest and most iconic part of the school, dating from 1913. A two-storey contemporary addition slides in behind the three-storey older building, while a transparent link serves as the main public entrance and reception space. The project also created an urban forecourt and restored a dilapidated park. Most on-site trees were retained and 88 new trees were planted.

Jury Comment(s): 

“A project that demonstrates that a community's  attachment to a landmark  can motivate the public authorities to go the extra mile and pilot an exceptional project. The successful transformation of a neighborhood school into a police precinct building is a case study in how to do it right. It encompasses respect for heritage, an elegant contemporary addition, a sensitivity to neighbourhood context, and a rich landscape that brings about civic pride."

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Photos: Richard Johnson
