Governor General's Medals in Architecture - 2020 Recipient

Gilles-Vigneault Performance Hall
Award Category: 
Governor General’s Medals in Architecture

Atelier TAG in consortium with Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes 

Lead design architect(s): 

Manon Asselin, MRAIC and Nicolas Ranger, MIRAC

Occupation: September 29, 2017
Construction Budget: $21 million

The architecture of the new Saint-Jérôme Performance Hall re-evaluates the experience of theatre-going within the context of a city in the midst of reinventing itself as an important eco-recreational and cultural center north of Montreal. To this end, the proposed spatial concept turns the traditional experience of the theater inside out. A large wood canopy extends over the site, blurring the limits, and creating a sensory landscape encompassing many activities and scales. Acting as a socio-cultural catalyst and economic driver for the region, its architecture broadcasts the growing cultural landscape of Saint-Jérôme and its local forestry industry.

Jury Comment(s): 

“This rugged concert hall works to activate the downtown of Saint-Jérôme, Québec. Sectionally interesting, the complex exterior shows an industrial grittiness that attempts to grab hold symbolically and physically of its surroundings. A massive black spruce soffit protects the public in the forecourt, leading them inside to a lobby covered by the same canopy. The interior boasts a graceful concert hall clad skillfully in wood following an undulating pattern.”

Jury members

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PHOTO: Adrien Williams

PHOTO: James Brittain

PHOTO: Adrien Williams

PHOTO: Adrien Williams

PHOTO: Adrien Williams

PHOTO: Adrien Williams