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Latest News

Official RAIC logo
January 18, 2024 Dear Minister Fraser, Minister Guilbeault and Minister Sudds, We are writing to you on behalf of the Royal Architectural Institute...  >>
Alan Hart Portrait
April 15, 1952 - December 29, 2023 It is with heavy hearts that we share that Alan Hart FRAIC, co-founder of VIA, has passed away at age 71. A...  >>
Official RAIC logo
January 2024   To celebrate and honour RAIC volunteers, we are pleased to introduce you to Harriet Burdett-Moulton, Member of RAIC Indigenous Task...  >>
2023 Happy Holidays
Season’s Greetings from the Board and Staff at the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada As the year draws to a close, we want to take a moment...  >>
Official RAIC logo
December 2023   To celebrate and honour RAIC volunteers, we are pleased to introduce you to Ian Mulder, Chair of the RAIC Edmonton Network.  Thank...  >>
Michael Joseph Torsney Portrait
April 23, 1930 – November 30, 2023 It’s with sadness we announce the passing of Michael Joseph Torsney on November 30th, 2023. Michael was born in...  >>
Official RAIC logo
December 7, 2023 Dear Premier Ford, Minister Surma and Minister Lumsden We are reaching out to you on behalf of the Royal Architectural Institute...  >>
Jerome Markson Portrait
1929 – November 18, 2023 It is with sorrow we announce the passing of Jerome Markson. Mr. Markson was a true pioneer in the Canadian housing industry...  >>
Stanford P Downey Portrait
December 26, 1945 – October 28, 2023 It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Mr. Stanford Paul Downey, a founding partner of Stanford...  >>
