Call for Submission: September 19, 2024
Submission Deadline: January 13, 2025, 10 pm ET
Terms of Reference
> Purpose |
1. Purpose
This award recognizes an architect, architectural practice and/or academic researcher who has demonstrated excellence in research and/or innovation in architectural practice, technology, or pedagogy. It celebrates initiatives that advance professional practice and/or disciplinary knowledge, and considers exemplary approaches to sustainability, as well as the support and advancement of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Innovations may encompass a range of endeavours, including, but not limited to: building details and technologies, spatial strategies, ways of structuring practices, or design or construction processes that make significant improvements to the practice of architecture in Canada and/or more broadly. The submissions may range from a whole building, to a detail, to a description of a business-related initiative.
Research within the profession or the academic environment may encompass submissions including, but not limited to: academic papers or reports documenting significant research, course syllabi and portfolios of student work showing influential contributions to teaching, or new academic programs and training that enhance learning in the profession of architecture.
2. Eligibility
All RAIC members in good standing are eligible to submit for this award.
3. Submission Materials
Submissions will be completed using the online submission platform.
The following items must be completed or provided:
- Completed submission form;
- Submission entry fee;
- A maximum five-page report outlining the submission’s objectives and significance, and demonstrating how it achieves excellence in research and/or innovation in practice, technology, or pedagogy. The report should make a clear case for how the project contributes to the advancement of the design of, or discourse on, architecture within the profession.
- A maximum 200-word abstract summarizing the submission, provided in English and/or French (Please note, if providing only one language for the abstract, the RAIC will translate it using DeepL software, available online. The RAIC cannot guarantee the nuances of the text will be captured. If this is important, please consider submitting the text in both languages);
- A project credit sheet, if applicable. In the case of collaborations, the submission must include a clear description of the role of each individual;
- A signed declaration form.
For project-based submissions:
- Up to ten (10) images (optional);
- A completed image index, providing captions and full credit information for each image, if applicable.
For research-based, and other, submissions:
- Supporting material, not to exceed 20 minutes in length (for audio or video), or 20 pages (for written material);
- Links to websites and webpages (optional).
Submissions must be received before 10:00 p.m. ET, Monday, January 13, 2025. Entrants are solely responsible for timely submissions. This date and time are firm without exceptions.
Entry Fee
$200.00 plus applicable taxes.
25% discount for RAIC members ($150.00 plus applicable taxes)
Payment is processed through the online submission platform.
Entries can be submitted either in English or in French.
All entries will be retained by the RAIC for publication, exhibition and archival purposes.
Note: Once you have started the online submission process, you may 'save' and come back at a later date to complete your submission (prior to the submission deadline).
4. Selection Process
The RAIC Awards Advisory Committee will appoint a jury each year. The judging process, led by a professional advisor, shall reflect the RAIC’s values throughout. The number of jurors may vary from year to year.
5. Number of Awards
Up to three (3) awards may be conferred. At its discretion, the jury may elect not to confer an award.
6. Frequency
The award(s) are to be offered every year.
7. Public Presentation
The presentation of the award(s) will be made at a public event, if feasible.
For more information
E-mail: awards-prix@raic.org
Tel: (613) 241-3600 x 2015