RAIC Foundation Awards | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


RAIC Foundation Awards

he RAIC Foundation Trustees oversee the administration of the RAIC Foundation Awards established by bequests from members of the Institute, in addition to its own RAIC Foundation Award. - See more at: https://raic.org/raic/mission-and-objectives#sthash.BXf6XCfW.dpuf

The RAIC Foundation Trustees oversee the administration of the RAIC Foundation Awards established by bequests from members of the Institute, in addition to its own RAIC Foundation Award.

The RAIC Foundation Trustees oversee the administration of the RAIC Foundation Awards established by bequests from members of the Institute, in addition to its own RAIC Foundation Award. - See more at: https://raic.org/raic/mission-and-objectives#sthash.BXf6XCfW.dpufdfsgd