Reach your business and marketing goals with the fundamentals of social media for architects! This webinar qualifies for a 1 hour certificate of completion, and is tailored to the new professional in architecture.
Fundamentals of Social Media
Foundations of Practice Mini-Series
Topics: Social media / Marketing / Practice
Length: 1 hour
What's included: video, quiz, certificate of completion
This webinar is available to stream!
This webinar will explore how social media can be applied within the architectural field, including how it can be used to reach your business goals along with its importance within your firm’s marketing and business development plans.
It is critical to not only understand what social media is and how it can be used for networking, storytelling and client-relationship building but also to discern why it matters to your firm. Specifically, as we continue to move forward in an everchanging digital era.
Throughout this session, we will refer to case studies and past metrics to showcase the ways in which social media has resulted in tangible business results for other firms in the industry. We will also highlight best practices for developing personalized strategies for a target audience and their reflected interests.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this webinar, the participant will be able to:
- Discuss social media through an AEC industry lens
- Identify how social media can be used to ultimately reach business goals
- Accurately reflect their brand/practice online
- Identify how social media and mass communication can be used to build relationships online
Subject Matter Expert

Monika Idzior
Founder, IDZIOR
Member Pricing: $50 / Non-Member: $75
Intern Member: $35 / Intern Non-Member: $50
Student $25 (must be an RAIC student associate member)
This webinar is part of a series!