RAIC Calgary Social - Reconnection | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

RAIC Calgary Social - Reconnection

SKU: CEAB053024

The RAIC would like to introduce the Calgary community to the new Calgary Network chairs and kick off a series of networking events hosted by local architecture studios. The first of these social events will be held at the recently renovated studio of GEC Architecture. Come and reconnect with the local design community, share your ideas on the future of collaboration within Calgary, and get a glimpse into the studio life of a local architecture firm. Snacks and drinks will be provided!

When: May 30th, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
                              4:30pm – Doors Open
                              5:15pm – Introductions/Presentation
                              5:35pm – Open networking

Where: GEC Architecture - #300, 2207 4th St. SW Calgary, AB

RSVP by May 29, 2024

List price: $0.00
Member Price: 