The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) and the 11 provincial/territorial regulators have partnered to update the Canadian Handbook of Practice (CHOP) for architects. The CHOP 3rd Edition, planned for completion and release in spring 2019, will be available across multiple platforms at no cost to all interns and architects in Canada. A call for volunteers for the Eeitorial board was issued in November. Over 35 applications were received, with all applicants demonstrating exceptional qualifications.
At a November meeting of the CHOP Steering Committee all applications were reviewed in detail and the members of the editorial board were confirmed. “In terms of volunteer capabilities and experience, it was an embarrassment of riches. Coming up with the final eight members of the editorial board was quite difficult,” said Donald Ardiel, RAIC Director, Practice Support and CHOP 3rd Edition Editor-in-Chief.
The members of the CHOP 3rd Edition Editorial Board are:
- Brian Palmquist, Architect AIBC, MRAIC, BEP, CP, LEED AP
- Bill Chomik, Architect, AAA, Architect AIBC, OAA, SAA, FRAIC, Hon. FAIA, RCA
- Kris Schlagintweit, NWTAA
- Cathy Capes, OAA, FRAIC, LEED AP BD+C
- Yew‐Thong Leong, OAA, FRAIC, FIIAS
- John Romanov, OAA, Architect AAA, AAIA, MRAIC, LEED
- Sébastien‐Paul Desparois, OAQ, MIRAC
- Larry Jones, AAPEI, FRAIC
The CHOP 3rd Edition Steering Committee is comprised of:
- Mark Vernon, CPA, CA, CPA (IL), Chief Executive Officer, AIBC
- Barbara Bruce, CAE, Executive Director, AAA
- Ben Russo, Executive Director, NWTAA
- Kristi Doyle, BA (PPA), Hon. MRAIC, Executive Director, OAA
- Jean‐Pierre Dumont, Hon. MIRAC, Director, OAQ
- Karen Chantler, Hon. MRAIC, Executive Director, AANB
- Michael Cox, MAA, FRAIC, President, RAIC
- Bruce Lorimer, FRAIC, Interim Executive Director, RAIC
- John Peterson, OAA, MRAIC, Chairman, RAIC Practice Support Committee
Donald Ardiel, OAA, MRAIC, CHOP 3rd Edition Editor‐in‐Chief provides support to both the Steering Committee and the Editorial Board.
The next three months of the CHOP project involves gathering information from a broad range of stakeholders. During this process, individual architects and interns as well as interested groups will have opportunities to provide input. If you have any questions, please contact Donald Ardiel at or 613‐241‐3600, ext. 202.