OTTAWA, November 8, 2018– The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) will hold a national forum in Edmonton on December 6 to explore challenges, opportunities, and new directions for architecture in Alberta and Canada.
This special event takes place from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the University of Alberta, Enterprise Square Building, Rooms 2-520A & 2-503B, 10230 Jasper Ave, Edmonton, AB.
The cost is $50 and includes lunch, refreshments, and a one-hour continuing education session titled Practical Contracts: Using RAIC Documents Six and Nine for which participants will receive a certificate. Students may register for $30.
The gathering is open to RAIC members, non-members, members of the public, media, and anyone interested in architecture.
Registration is open until November 29.
Leaders of the architectural community in Alberta and Canada will present timely and relevant topics for discussion and input, including:
- a national architecture policy;
- regional advocacy issues;
- news from the Alberta Association of Architects;
- a new insurance program for architects;
- a new approach for RAIC chapters;
- the 2019 Festival of Architecture.
The one-hour continuing education session will review the new RAIC Document Six 2018: Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services, and Document Nine 2018: Canadian Standard Form of Contract between Architects and Consultant.
There is no cost to attend the forum only from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (no continuing education or lunch provided).
Speakers include:
- Barbara Bruce, Hon. MRAIC, Alberta Association of Architects Executive Director
- Don Ardiel, MRAIC, RAIC Director of Practice Support
- Darryl Condon, FRAIC, Architectural Institute of British Columbia Immediate Past President and chair of the Canadian Architectural Licensing Authorities’ Future of the Profession Task Force;
- Michael Cox, FRAIC, RAIC President;
- Mike Brennan, RAIC Chief Executive Officer.
The RAIC is the leading voice for architecture in Canada. Activities include education, advocacy, professional development, practice support, public outreach and recognition of excellence. Its committees and task forces work to advance environmental sustainability, inclusive design, emerging practitioners, and reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.
The forum hosts are RAIC President Michael Cox, RAIC Chief Executive Officer Mike Brennan and RAIC Vice President of National Affairs Giovanna Boniface.
The forum is the second in a series, following an event in Vancouver last August. The RAIC will be traveling to several stops across Canada to hear from members of the architecture community, including architects, graduate architects, regulators, educators, stakeholders, as well as community leaders.
About the RAIC
The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) has operated continuously since 1907 as the national voice for architects and architecture in Canada. Its mission is to advocate for excellence in the built environment, demonstrate how design enhances the quality of life, champion sustainability, and promote responsible architecture in addressing important issues of society. It is governed by a volunteer board of directors, comprised of architects from across the country. The board includes an intern representative and a representative of the Canadian Council of University Schools of Architecture.