OTTAWA, September 28, 2017 – The Board of Directors of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) regretfully announces that 2017 RAIC President Ewa Bieniecka, AP/FIRAC, has shortened her term as President for personal reasons.
“Serving on the Board and its Executive has given me an opportunity to champion the collective goals of the RAIC's membership while striving to recognize diversity within the profession. I have deeply appreciated all of the Board members work and input as well as the commitment and relentless work of the staff.” says Ms. Bieniecka, a Montreal-based architect. “It has been a great experience for which I am profoundly grateful.”
On September 19, 2017, the Board of Directors moved that 1st Vice - President, Michael Cox, FRAIC, of Brandon, Manitoba, would assume the role as President effective immediately. The Board also elected 2nd Vice-President/Treasurer and Regional Director, Alberta / Northwest Territories, John Brown, FRAIC, to 1st Vice-President of the Board of Directors effective January 1, 2018. For the remainder of this fiscal year, John will continue in his role as 2nd Vice-President/Treasurer.
“With determination and strong conviction, Ewa’s focus was on the future and how RAIC can best serve its members, Canada’s architecture community, and the built environment.” said Mr. Cox. “We are grateful for the contributions she has made to the RAIC and we wish her every success.
“I look forward to carrying on the important initiatives which she nurtured with her unwavering passion and conviction such as the Committee on Regenerative Environments, Aging in Place Task Force, Emerging Practitioners group, and Indigenous Task Force, with the first ever RAIC International Indigenous Symposium this past year. I will continue to address our members changing needs ensuring RAIC provides value and a sense of belonging.” Mr. Cox added.
Ms. Bieniecka was first elected to the national board in 2013 as Regional Director for Quebec, subsequently serving as Second Vice-President and First Vice-President. She currently works as a heritage conservation architect. In a career that spans 30 years, her experience includes competitions, major projects, rehabilitation, and restoration of heritage buildings.
The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada is the leading voice for excellence in the built environment in Canada. Representing about 5,000 members the RAIC advocates for excellence, works to demonstrate how design enhances the quality of life and promotes responsible architecture in addressing important issues of society.