New RAIC member benefit - Home and auto insurance with The Personal | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


New RAIC member benefit - Home and auto insurance with The Personal

The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) has partnered with The Personal—one of Canada’s leading group insurance companies for over 40 years—to provide members with preferred group rates on home and auto insurance that are not available to the general public.

"I've saved over $460 by switching to The Personal Insurance," says Gregory MacNeil, MRAIC, RAIC Director for the Atlantic region. "Their representative was friendly and made the process so easy. I highly recommend that RAIC members keep their memberships in good standing so they're able take advantage of this great offer!"

Choosing the best for you

The RAIC chose The Personal for their excellent reputation, long-term commitment to their customers, and the benefits they can offer to members.
In the coming months, you will hear more from the RAIC —and The Personal— about the many ways you can benefit from this program.

See how much you can save!

Get a quote by calling 1-888-476-8737 or by visiting

What this partnership means for you in addition to preferred rates:

• Personalized coverage to fit your individual needs
• Expert advice from licensed insurance advisors
• 24/7 emergency assistance if you ever need to make a claim