The deadline for the call for nominations has been extended to October 15, 5:00 p.m. ET.
Members are invited to nominate candidates to stand for election for the positions of Regional Director for Ontario Southwest, and Saskatchewan/Manitoba. The term of office is three years, beginning January 1, 2020.
The Board of Directors is composed as follows: President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Immediate Past President and seven Regional Directors elected from the various geographic regions. It includes one Director representing Interns and Intern Architects, as well as the Chancellor of the College of Fellows, and the Chair or designate of the Council of Canadian University Schools of Architecture.
An individual is elected as a Regional Director to represent the interests of the membership and advance the RAIC’s mandate. The responsibilities of Regional Directors include attending RAIC Board meetings, advancing and committing to the RAIC mission, and setting the Institute’s direction and priorities.
Please note:
- Only full RAIC members in good standing are eligible to nominate and be nominated;
- Candidates must be residents of the region in which they are nominated;
- Each candidate is required to be nominated by five members who must be residents in the region of the nomination.