Vancouver Island South Network Meetings and Events
DATE: Thursday, February 20th, 2025.

FALL 2024
The RAIC Vancouver Island South Network held an in-person, after work, social event on October 17, 2024 co-sponsored by the RAIC and HCMA Architecture & Design.
Vancouver Island South network presents: Impactful Change: An Overview of BC Building Code Updates for Accessibility and Exits
On October 24, 2024, the Vancouver Island South Network held an informative webinar with guests from Mark Showers, p.Eng., CP and Corrie Lubben, EIT, RHFAC Professional from Celerity Engineering Limited.
This webinar provided updates on the recent revisions to the BC Building Code on Single Exit Stair Buildings and Adaptable Dwelling Unit requirements.
Vancouver Island South Network held a webinar on February 29th, 2024 regarding Future Proofed Interiors - Design, Assembly, and Zero Waste Strategies in Today's Marketplace.
SPEAKER: James Johnson, Interior Construction Specialist, Innovior Construction
The RAIC Vancouver Island South Network held an event: Public Art in Public Places – A Victoria discussion of public art opportunities and issues.
This was a public gathering, organized and sponsored by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, Vancouver Island South Chapter, and hosted by the Wentworth Villa, Architectural Heritage Museum.
Please note that we intend for the event to be video recorded, for later broadcasting on the Shaw/Rogers Spotlight community TV Channel, and for later on-line public access.
Event Description:
How is public art to be regarded in a time where our cities are in constant flux and change? Should it have an enduring place, or is it fated to come and go, as many of our community structures?
The event brought together well-regarded local artists, critics, and civic leaders with a breadth of experience - to discuss this timely topic.
Illarion Gallant – Illarion is both a registered Landscape Architect and a Sculptural Public Artist.
He is a Graduate of Emily Carr Institute of Art with studies abroad in Karlsruhe, West Germany and Vienna, Austria. He has been producing public art for 40 years.
Pamela Madoff – Pamela served on Victoria City Council for 25 years, with responsibilities for portfolios such as Art in Public Places, Heritage and Planning. As a councillor, she led the projects to restore the Beacon Hill Park Totem Pole and the Gate of Harmonious Interest.
Robert Randall – Robert is a Victoria based fine artist and graphic designer with previous exhibits at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Rogue Art and the Ministry of Casual Living. Robert has served on the Victoria College of Art Alumni Association, the City’s Downtown Advisory Committee and the Victoria Downtown Resident’s Association.
JC Scott – JC is an internationally experienced hospitality and residential designer specializing in creating successful projects through eco-design. His volunteer work has included being Co-Chair of the Victoria Public Art Committee and being past Chair of the Victoria Community Arts Council.
Exhibit & Panel Discussion– John Di Castri, Architect
On June 15, 2023, the Vancouver Island South Network of the RAIC held an in-person public lecture at the Wentworth Villa Architectural Heritage Museum to view and discuss the work of Vancouver architect, John Di Castri. Di Castri was a mid-century architect with an over 50-year practice with impressive design work.
RAIC Vancouver Island South Network presents: Is the Greenest House the One Already Built?
TOPIC: Is the Greenest House the One That Is Already Built? Real Life Case Studies to Answer this Question
SPEAKERS: Graeme Verhulst - Waymark Architecture and Dallas Hordichuk, Chief Operating Officer, Energy Code Solutions
The Vancouver Island South Network hosted a presentation by UVIC Director of Office of Campus Planning and Sustainability, Mike Wilson.
SPEAKER: Mike Wilson, Director of Campus Planning and Sustainability - UVIC
TOPIC: Campus Planning: An Update on Planning and Design at the University of Victoria
This webinar focused on discussions on general and advancing campus planning topics of our times and will introduce changes to UVIC, both underway and planned, considering growth and up-dating aspirations for a contemporary university.
Now available on-demand.
Particularly in the dynamic geography of British Columbia, seismic considerations have needed to become an integral feature in architectural design. Increasingly stringent seismic engineering and design standards can sometimes be perceived as challenges to architectural budgets, and as constraints to other design objectives. Notably, more demanding seismic criteria may also be seen as a particular hurdle for the maintenance and rehabilitation of heritage buildings.
In what ways may seismic design be recognized as integral and complementary to effective architectural design? Can adaptive reuse of heritage buildings and additions to heritage buildings help support their seismic up-grading? How might the implementation and expression of seismic design even add inspiration to good architecture?
Panelists include:
- Jim Aalders
- Ian Boyle
- Adam Hawkes
- Andy Guiry
- Terry Williams
Moderated by: Gregor Craigie
If you missed this session, click here to watch on demand
Settler domination and exploitation of the North American continent has not only had catastrophic consequences for the First Nations who had inhabited the continent for millennia but also for the natural environment. Previous to colonization, First Nations had sought to thrive and sustain themselves and the environment by learning from and living in the natural world. What have we as settlers ignored and what things might we yet learn from our First Nations neighbours and colleagues? Given our continuing dialogue in reconciliation, could architects in particular start a conversation on this topic that is meaningful, provocative and powerful?
Panelists included:
- David Fortin, PhD, OAA, SAA, MAA, Architect AAA, MRAIC, LEED AP
Professor of Architecture, University of Waterloo - Patrick Stewart, M.Arch., B.Arch., B.E.D.S., B.A.,MAIBC, LEEDTM AP,
Principal, Patrick Stewart Architect - Scott Kemp, Architect, AIBC FRAIC RIBA
Past President, AIBC
Moderator: Stacy McGhee, MArch, MRAIC, Manager, Strategic Facilities Planning District of Saanich
If you missed this event, click here to watch on demand.

The District of Saanich is a municipality whose critical infrastructure is not unlike many other similar public organizations with aging assets. While services continue to be delivered through several
buildings that are 30 to 60 years in age, the District is aware of the long-term serviceability requirements making investment urgent to manage the ever-increasing service delivery risk. The District’s #2 Firehall is a perfect case study on to how to develop a business case, inform and engage the community and to facilitate a conversation on the merits of investing in mass timber with a long term view.
Panelist: Stacy McGhee, MArch, MRAIC, Manager, Strategic Facilities Planning District of Saanich
Can seismic dangers open avenues for opportunities? Instead of paresis before an impending peril – how can our community rise to enact preparations – to seek creative, forward-looking initiatives?
- Kate Ulmer, P Eng, Herold Engineering
- Ken Elwood, MBIE Chair in Earthquake Engineering and Director of the newest Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE), QuakeCoRE: Centre for Earthquake Resilience
- Leon Plett P Eng, MIStructE, Struct.Eng., LEED® AP | Managing Principal, Reid Jones Christopherson Engineering
- Professor Martin Segger, Associate Fellow Centre for Global Studies, University of Victoria.
Moderator: Gregor Craigie
If you missed this event, click here to watch on demand.
The Vancouver Island South Network has been shaking things up this fall. They organized a webinar addressing the challenges an earthquake would bring to Vancouver Island and area. Three seismic experts: Armin Bebamzadeh, a research associate with the Earthquake Engineering Research Facility at the University of British Columbia, Jason Ingham, head of civil and environmental engineering with the University of Auckland in New Zealand, and engineer Graham Taylor with TBG Seismic Consultants shared their expertise on the subject. Over 70 people attended and this subject was the focus of a news article in the Journal of Commerce by Canada Construct.
If you missed this event, click here to watch on demand.
The first event was hosted in person on September 15, 2022. Celebrating Our Past, Looking Forward to the Future as the RAIC Vancouver Island South Network was focused on celebrating our past as we look toward a promising future announcing our new network in our RAIC British Columbia Chapter.
About the Vancouver Island South Network
Formerly the RAIC Victoria Network, the new RAIC Vancouver Island South Network officially launched on September 1, 2022.
**RAIC members are automatically members of their closest network. We welcome non-RAIC members to attend a meeting to find out if they would like to be involved.
RAIC Connects
RAIC Connects is a virtual community where members can share ideas, discuss practice challenges, post questions, read and share blog posts and news articles, learn about fellow RAIC members, and benefit from shared knowledge, resources, and information. All RAIC members are automatically members of RAIC Connects, as well as their provincial Chapter community, as a member benefit.
Click here to join the conversation in the British Columbia Chapter community on RAIC Connects.
**RAIC members are automatically members of their closest network. We welcome non-RAIC members to attend a meeting to find out if they would like to be involved.