National Urban Design Awards - 2024 Recipient | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

National Urban Design Awards - 2024 Recipient

Queen’s Marque
Award Category: 
Urban Architecture

MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects (Design Architect and Urban Design) with FBM Architects (Prime Consultant) 

Queen's Marque was born from the developer's desire to build a significant Canadian landmark that would be created by Nova Scotians, for Nova Scotians. Through deliberate planning and sensitive design, Queen's Marque is conceived as a district, with the aim to contribute to Halifax’s downtown urban fabric.  

The design opens 70 percent of the site to open public space, and includes the city’s first significant public gathering place along the harbour. Multiple passages through the buildings make the development highly porous to the public, including lending direct access into the water via a riverside staircase. 

The design began by moving parking underground and developing a mixed-use program to keep the site active 24/7. The configuration of the complex preserves views to the historic citadel, extends the civic grid to the water, repairs and completes the pedestrian boardwalk along the shoreline, and establishes a protected micro­climate. Materials speak to the local vernacular, and the development includes many site-specific art installations that reference the harbour's history and the local environment. 

Queen's Marque has been designed to meet LEED Platinum standards. The development saves on cooling costs by using the frigid water of the harbour in a seawater loop. In anticipation of sea level rise, the ground level of the project has been raised, but remains engaged with the surrounding pedestrian experience. 

DEVELOPER AND MASTER BUILDER Armour Group Limited (Scott Armour McCrea) | ARCHITECT TEAM MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects—Brian MacKay-Lyons, Shane Andrews, Will Perkins, Rimon Soliman, Izak Bridgman, Tyler Reynolds. FBM Architects—George Cotaras, Wayne Duncan | STRUCTURAL Campbell Comeau Engineering Ltd. | MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL M + R Engineering | LANDSCAPE  Fathom Studio and Brackish Design Studio; Queen’s Landing Staircase—MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects (Concept Design) and Fathom Studio (Detailing) | BUILDER  Armour Group Limited in joint venture with Bird Construction | URBAN DESIGN  MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects | INTERIORS Muir Hotel—Studio Munge; Lobbies, core and residences—MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects |  PUBLIC ART Tidal Beacon—Ned Kahn, Heavy Industries & MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects; The Sirens’ calling—John Greer; Water—Thaddeus Holownia; The Light Chocks—MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects with Heavy Industries; Sail—Tresoldi Studio | AREA 41,800 m2 | COMPLETION Spring 2023 

Jury Comment(s): 

Queen’s Marque is a well-executed project demonstrating the balance between subtle architectural forms and open space where the city meets the water. The placement of buildings, the access to the water at Queen’s Landing, and the ambitious energy modelling using the local seawater all contribute to the meaningful relationship to the waterfront. The thoughtful consideration of climate change and how water meets the land is notable, as is how the local place, culture and design are expressed in the specifics of the Halifax environment. The thoughtfulness put into bringing this site to life is commendable. The project reflects the collaboration of various experts and is anchored in its history and geography. The project reveals the genius of the place and reflects a sensitivity to history, place, communities, art, and poetry.

National Urban Design Awards Jury 2024

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Queen's Marque

PHOTO - Nic Lehoux

Queen's Marque

PHOTO - Nic Lehoux

Queen's Marque

PHOTO - Nic Lehoux

Queen's Marque

PHOTO - Nic Lehoux

Queen's Marque

PHOTO - Nic Lehoux

Queen's Marque

PHOTO - Nic Lehoux