2021 RAIC Foundation Scholarship and Bursary Recipients | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


2021 RAIC Foundation Scholarship and Bursary Recipients

CaGBC Scholarship Recipient

Rutuja Atre, of Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario is the 2021 recipient of the RAIC Foundation’s CaGBC Scholarship. This $5,000 scholarship was established through an endowment from the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) to promote and encourage sustainable research and design in Canadian schools of architecture and nurture the next generation of “green” designers.

“I am grateful and honoured to receive the 2021 Canada Green Building Council Scholarship. The recognition provided by the RAIC is truly encouraging and reinforces the value of research in ecological design within the architectural profession.”

The jury notes that “This research proposal (to examine the forms, systems and materials of an ecologically integrated approach to architecture) is well conceived and the project is both theoretical and tangible. It imagines a dynamic relationship between buildings, ecology and human behaviour, in which green chemistry, biophilia and biomimicry inform the design of building materials, structures and systems – accelerating the transformation from Anthropocene to Ecocene.”

Kiyoshi Matsuzaki Scholarship Recipient

Petar Sesar of London, ON is the recipient of the 2021 Kiyoshi Matsuzaki Scholarship. This $3,000 endowment, open to students of the RAIC Syllabus Program, was established in honour of the late Kiyoshi Matsuzaki PP/FRAIC. It represents his l belief in the future of the profession of architecture and his support of the next leaders of the profession.

“Your letter has evoked feelings of both gratitude and honour to be selected as a beneficiary of the 2021 RAIC Kiyoshi Matsuzaki Scholarship. I am humbled to have been selected by the jury for this scholarship. I would like to thank the RAIC Foundation as well as Mr. Stuart Howard for the letter and their kind words and promise to work towards fulfilling my goal to one day become a licensed architect that can aide in supporting a positive change for our built and societal environment. This scholarship will help to motivate me as I move closer to my goal as well as providing financial aid in completing the remainder of my studies with the RAIC Syllabus & Athabasca University.”

The jury notes “The Syllabus program is a unique and important initiative of the architecture profession in Canada. This scholarship in the name of one of the strongest supporters of the Syllabus Program and a leader in the partnership with Athabasca, Kiyoshi would be proud of the submissions, and the Foundation and RAIC congratulate the winner.” 


College of Fellows Centennial Fund for Intern/Intern Architect Recipient

Jesse Martyn of Vancouver, BC, is the recipient of the 2021 RAIC College of Fellows Centennial Fund for Intern/Intern Architect Foundation Bursary. This $5,000 fund was created with donations received from Members of the College of Fellows and Members of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada to support a deserving Intern or Intern Architect or group of Interns/Intern Architects wishing to promote the value and image of the profession.  It is awarded to individuals who have shown leadership and who have made significant contributions to the profession at an early stage of their architectural career.

“It’s a tremendous honour to be selected as this year’s RAIC College of Fellows Centennial Fund recipient.  I've been fortunate to be surrounded by peers, professionals, educators, colleagues, and mentors who’ve fostered my passion for architecture and design—this recognition is a testament to their commitment to my early growth as a designer.  Through the creation of an illustrated guidebook on ‘What is an Architect’, I hope to advocate for the discipline by bridging the gap between the public and the profession while giving back to the architecture community the way others have for me.”

The jury commented “We believe the maturity, graphic legibility and social commitments of the proposal to develop an informational book on “What is an Architect” will be well received by the profession. and the public alike.”