Call for Nominations: July 25, 2024
Submission Deadline: October 31, 10 pm ET
Nomination for Fellowship
Should you need further details of the process of bestowing Fellowship, please call (613) 241-3600 ext. 2015, or e-mail ashore@raic.org.
Guidelines for Nomination of Members for Fellowship
(The following information has been extracted from the College of Fellows Rules and Regulations) *Updated July 2022*
"A Fellow of the RAIC College is a Member of the RAIC who has achieved professional eminence or has rendered distinctive service to the profession or to the community at large. Nomination and advancement to Fellowship is administered by the RAIC College. A Member must have been a member of the RAIC for at least five (5) non-consecutive years in the last ten years from submission date prior to nomination. Fellowship is bestowed for life and is one of the highest honours the RAIC can confer upon a Member."
Process of Nomination
A Fellow of the Institute may nominate a Member of the RAIC into the RAIC College for Fellowship, with the support of four (4) Member References, of whom at least one (1) of those must be a Fellow. Fellowship will be considered in recognition of achievements of excellence in architecture on the basis of:
Selecting one (1) of the following categories (and one subsection, where relevant), with the support of one (or more) of the Categories, as necessary:
Category One:
Distinguished service to the architectural profession or the community at large, as supported by voluntary contributions related to Architecture.
OR -
Distinguished contributions to the profession enabling excellence in the practice of architecture through leadership in public service or industry organizations.
Category Two:
- Distinguished contribution through excellence in architectural design, design management or innovation as supported by peer recognition or design awards.
Category Three:
Distinguished scholarly contributions as supported by research, publications or teaching in the field of architecture.
OR -
Distinguished contribution to the mentoring of students, interns or architects in nurturing their career development.
Substantiating evidence to support the Nominator’s Category (or Categories) selection(s).
The following examples are included, but are not limited to:
Requirements for Nomination
- A Member or Fellow may only support one nomination in a given year.
Only one of the five members can be from the same organization as the candidate (Nominator or References).
- The nomination process is regionally based, but Nominators and References from any given region can nominate any member (architect or non-architect) from any part of Canada.
- An RAIC Fellow shall act as the nominator (henceforth the “Nominator”) and prepare the curriculum vitae, citation and collect all supporting documentation for the nominee.
- The Nominator shall be responsible to ensure all the documentation is submitted correctly as prescribed elsewhere and shall act as the liaison between the review process and the RAIC members providing references (henceforth “References”).
Regional Chairs, Regional Committee Members, COF National Committee and RAIC Board Members are not permitted to nominate a candidate.
Requirements for Submission
- Regional Chairs, Regional Committee members, members of the National Committee and members of the Board of Directors of the Institute shall not act as Nominators or References for candidates for Fellowship.
- Nomination must include supporting letters from the Nominator and each of the four References nominating the candidate. Each supporting letter, which should be no more than 400 words in length, must also provide evidence attesting to the Candidate’s qualifications with regards to the Category selected by the Nominator. Successful applications should demonstrate rigour in substantiating candidate’s qualifications described in the supporting letters. (Letters should be addressed to the Regional Committee/ Chair within the region in which the nomination package is being submitted. Regional chairs can be found here.)
- All nomination documents shall be submitted online to the region in which the nominee usually resides by the required date in each year.
- Nomination for Fellowship is CONFIDENTIAL AND MUST REMAIN ANONYMOUS. All Nominators and References are required to maintain confidentiality with no direct contact whatsoever between Nominators/ References and the nominee related to the nomination.
- The nominee must both be a member in good standing and have been a member of the RAIC for at least five years (non-consecutive) in the last ten years from the submission date prior to nomination.
- A nominee must not solicit his or her nomination in any form what so ever.
- The Nominator shall provide a curriculum vitae of the nominee and a 250 word citation that supports the category of nomination. Samples of previous citations and citation "do's and don'ts" may be viewed on the RAIC website and here.
- Nominators and References must be members in good standing of the RAIC.
- The deadline to submit a nomination is 10 pm ET, on October 31, 2024. Submissions must be made through the RAIC's online submission platform.
Nomination for Honorary Fellowship
Should you need further details of the process of bestowing Honorary Fellowship, please call (613) 241-3600 ext. 2015, or e-mail ashore@raic.org.
Guidelines for Honorary Fellowship Nomination
(The following information has been extracted from the College of Fellows Rules and Regulations)
"An Honorary Fellow of the RAIC College is an Honorary Member of the RAIC who has achieved international professional eminence or has rendered distinctive service to the profession or to the community at large, nationally or internationally. Architects registered in Canada are not eligible for nomination. Nomination and advancement to Honorary Fellowship is administered by the RAIC College. Honorary Fellowship is bestowed for life and is one of the highest honours the RAIC can confer upon a non Member."
Process of Nomination
A Fellow of the Institute may nominate any individual for Honorary Fellowship of the RAIC College. Nominations require the support of at least two (2) Members as References.
Honorary Fellowship will be considered for an international architect, or allied professional in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the built environment and having displayed at least one (1) of the following:
- Distinguished service to the architectural profession or the community at large, as supported by voluntary contributions related to Architecture.
- Distinguished contributions to the profession enabling excellence in the practice of Architecture through leadership in public service or industry organizations.
- Distinguished contribution through excellence in architectural design, design management or innovation as supported by peer recognition or design awards.
- Distinguished scholarly contributions as supported by research, publications or teaching in the field of Architecture or in an allied field.
- Distinguished contribution to the mentoring of students, interns or architects in nurturing their career development.
Requirements for Nomination
- The Nominator and Members acting as References must provide substantiating evidence to support the nomination.
- Architects licensed in Canada are not eligible for Honorary Fellowship nomination. Nominators interested in nominating a Canadian-licensed individual should refer to the Fellowship nomination process.
- A Member or Fellow may only support only one nomination in a given year.
- An RAIC Fellow shall act as the nominator (henceforth the “Nominator”) and prepare the curriculum vitae, citation and collect all supporting documentation for the nominee. The Nominator shall be responsible to ensure all the documentation is submitted correctly as prescribed.
Requirements for Submission
- Nomination must include supporting letters, which should be no more than 400 words in length, from the Nominator and with at least two (2) additional Member References nominating the candidate. All supporting letters must also provide evidence attesting to the Candidate’s qualifications or contributions. Successful applications should demonstrate rigour in substantiating candidate’s qualifications described in the supporting letters. (Each letter is addressed to the RAIC College of Fellows, National Committee and shall bear the signature of the Nominator / Reference.)
- Nomination for Honorary Fellowship is CONFIDENTIAL AND MUST REMAIN ANONYMOUS. All Nominators/ References are required to maintain confidentiality with no direct contact whatsoever between nominators and the nominee related to the nomination.
- The Nominator shall provide a curriculum vitae of the nominee and a 250 word citation that supports the category of nomination. Samples of previous citations and citation "do's and don'ts" may be viewed on the RAIC website and here.
- Nominators and References must be members in good standing of the RAIC.
- The deadline to submit a nomination is 10 pm ET, October 31, 2024. Submissions must be made through the RAIC's online submission platform.