How To Join | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


How To Join

There are 2 easy ways to join:

1.   Complete the appropriate form (regular application, student associateaffiliate, corporate partnership and send it as an email attachment to Be sure to attach any supporting documentation as well.


2.   Complete the form and mail it to the address provided.


Forms for 2025

*Note - if you are an existing member looking to renew your membership for the current year, do not use these forms. Log in to your account (top right of the page) and click "renew your membership." You can also renew by phone at 613-241-3600 ext 2000.*


Additional Information:

Membership applications are processed in batches on a monthly basis. Your application will be included in the current batch if it is received before the 20th day of the current month. Applications received after the 20th day of the month will be included with the next batch.

Missing or incomplete payment information or supporting documentation will result in a delay in the processing of your application. Please read page two of the application form carefully to determine if you are required to submit any supporting documents with your application. An email address must be provided in order to create an account for you in the member services portal.

Once your application has been processed you will receive an email receipt for your membership fee payment (if applicable) and an email containing login information to the members’ only section of our website where you can access your benefits and discounts codes. You will also receive a welcome letter via Canada Post, and a certificate shortly thereafter.

New members receive a discounted introductory rate for their first year of membership, as indicated on the initial application form. Interns receive a 5-year discount, and Canadian Graduate members receive a 3-year discounted rate before the regular membership fees are due. Neither the introductory fee nor the regular annual renewal fees are pro-rated.