RAIC Foundation 2020 Recipients | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


RAIC Foundation 2020 Recipients



The RAIC Foundation administers a variety of awards, including the Kiyoshi Matsuzaki RAIC Scholarship, awarded annually to a student enrolled in the RAIC Syllabus Program. The scholarship was established in honour of Kiyoshi Matsuzaki PP/FRAIC, 1943-2012, to advance his personal belief in the future of architecture and his unyielding support for the younger generation of students, the next leaders of our profession.

The winner of the 2020 Kiyoshi Matsuzaki RAIC Scholarship is Jessica Gibson, who offers the following commentary on the RAIC Syllabus Program as a path to professional qualification, and on the value of the Kiyoshi Matsuzaki RAIC Scholarship in supporting her career goals.

“After completing my Bachelor of Architectural Science from Ryerson University in 2010 I moved back to Saskatchewan to gain work experience and had anticipated applying for my Masters degree for the 2012 school year. It was during this time that I had the opportunity to start a design business with a local Architect, Roger Mitchell. As owning my own business was always a dream of mine, I felt that I couldn't pass up the opportunity and decided to postpone the application for my Masters degree. “

“Having wanted to become an architect since the age of 16, I didn't want to let that dream go. Roger suggested I apply for the RAIC Syllabus program, as a long-time coordinator and advocate for the program, he felt that it would be the option that would allow me to continue to pursue my Architectural Registration while simultaneously advancing my professional career.”

“I applied for the RAIC Syllabus program in 2012, the same year I opened my design business. Throughout the last 8 years I have had the opportunity to build my professional career while completing my architectural education, and I value the real-world experience that I can apply to my design studios, as well as the design freedom and exploration that comes from the RAIC Syllabus program.”

“The ability to be continually involved in ongoing education through the RAIC, while being actively involved in my career development has allowed me to continue to be on the forefront of the Architectural profession. For example, in 2013 Roger Mitchell and I started the design process for the Heritage Rehabilitation of the Viterra Head Office, and in 2016 the project was completed to a great reception within the province of Saskatchewan. The project received multiple awards, including; City of Regina Municipal Heritage Award for Building Rehabilitation (2017); Lieutenant Governor's Heritage Award (2017); and the Saskatchewan Masonry Institute Award of Excellence (2016).”

“The Kiyoshi Matsuzaki Scholarship and Endowment Fund has been a great support to me in the final stages of my RAIC Syllabus Diploma, I have a handful of classes remaining and the scholarship ensures that I can continue my classes despite the current financially unstable climate due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The support that the Kiyoshi Matsuzaki Scholarship and Endowment Fund provides for students is invaluable, and supports the students within the RAIC Syllabus program who are often personally carrying the financial burden of education.”

The RAIC Foundation is proud to honour the memory of Kiyoshi Matsuzaki with this scholarship and shares his belief that the future of the profession is underpinned by the support and encouragement we give to its future leaders.

If you share this belief, please consider a monthly donation to help us expand our offerings to students, interns and young professionals. Donations can be made through the RAIC Foundation website at raicf.ca under the Donate tab. For more information about the RAIC Foundation and other ways in which you can become involved, please contact me at raic.foundation@raicf.ca

Jim Taggart FRAIC

Executive Director, RAIC Foundation