sim’oogit saa-bax, dr patrick reid stewart, moderates the IPWP panel session at the UIA Forum (Image credit : RAIC)
UIA Forum attendees gathered at the IPWP exhibit for a “Booth Talk” (Image credit : RAIC)
In addition to the UIA Forum, the RAIC represented Canada at the UIA General Assembly and advancing social justice and global collaboration. RAIC Past President, Jason Robbins participated in Royal Institute of British Architect’s Global Architecture Exchange, delivering a compelling Pecha Kucha-style presentation on our ongoing efforts to advocate for social justice in architecture.
With respect to international relationships, the RAIC engaged in strategic discussions with leading architectural organizations from around the globe, including the UIA President (Switzerland) and Secretary General (Macau), the Commonwealth Association of Architects (Nigeria) the Africa Union of Architects (DR Congo), the Australian Institute of Architects, Te Kāhui Whaihanga - New Zealand Institute of Architects, the Royal Institute of British Architects, the American Institute of Architects.
At the UIA Extraordinary General Assembly, the RAIC actively participated in voting on proposed changes to the UIA Articles and By-Laws. We voiced our concerns on key amendments, reaffirming our dedication to maintaining architectural excellence and ethical practice on a global scale. A standout initiative was Canada’s endorsement of a motion by ALA – Assoarchitetti (Italy) to include emerging practitioners, under age 35, on the UIA Council. This initiative aligns with our commitment to fostering new voices in the profession. Looking ahead, the RAIC aims to strengthen relationships with ALA, with plans to collaborate at the Venice Biennale next May.
The RAIC also leveraged the Assembly to deepen connections with l’Ordre des architectes in France. While partnerships with English-speaking institutes have been fruitful, we are excited to expand our engagement within the Francophone architectural community, reflecting our inclusive and bilingual approach.
Jason Robbins (RAIC Past President) presenting at the Global Architecture Exchange (Image credit : RAIC)