Vancouver Island South Network Presents: An Investment in a Community’s Future; The District of Saanich, Fire Station #2 Redevelopment | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


Vancouver Island South Network Presents: An Investment in a Community’s Future; The District of Saanich, Fire Station #2 Redevelopment

SKU: CEVN20230126


The District of Saanich is a municipality whose critical infrastructure is not unlike many other similar public organizations with aging assets. While services continue to be delivered through several 

buildings that are 30 to 60 years in age, the District is aware of the long-term serviceability requirements making investment urgent to manage the ever-increasing service delivery risk. The District’s #2 Firehall is a perfect case study on to how to develop a business case, inform and engage the community and to facilitate a conversation on the merits of investing in mass timber with a long term view.









Stacy McGhee 

Manager, Strategic Facilities Planning 

District of Saanich 


A registered architect with thirty-five years’ experience, known for strong leadership, people management skills and a significant built and strategic planning portfolio. A rich diversity of experience, roles and education in architecture and project management is matched by client focused enthusiasm, dedication and insight. 


Professional work experience is diverse and includes luxury hotels in landmark historic properties (Lake Louise, Alberta; Budapest, Hungary) as well as correctional facilities in British Columbia. Recent work includes: the delivery of a strategic facilities master plan for a municipality with a 500,000 ft2 facilities portfolio of critical services delivery, recreation and administration as well as the redevelopments of a firehall and a municipal operations centre. Stacy particularly enjoys the opportunities and complexities inherent in large and medium sized projects with challenging constraints. 


Learning Objectives: 

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

1] Describe how good design benefits the public. 

2] Describe the importance of thorough documentation. 

3] Describe the benefits of long-term discussion. 

4] Articulate the evolution of the conversation about wood.  



List price: $25.00
Member Price: 