RAIC 2022 Virtual Conference on Architecture | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


RAIC 2022 Virtual Conference on Architecture

RAIC 2022 Virtual Conference on Architecture 


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5 Pack – Save 10% compared to a-la-carte pricing
10 Pack – Save 25% compared to a-la-carte pricing
RAIC 2022 Virtual Conference: Most Popular Webinars - Save $75 off the most popular sessions

Accessible Design 

The Universal Toilet Explained 

Sensory Spaces 

Advanced Technology / Building Science

Canada’s Earth Tower: Mass Timber Balcony Mockup and Research

The Final Act: Le Grand Theatre de Quebec

Designing for the Future: Design Systems, Built-in Intelligence, and Smart Construction


Healthy Buildings and Post-Pandemic Planning and Design


Healthy Buildings and Post-Pandemic Planning and Design

Preston Bus Station: celebrating 20th Century architecture for the benefit of communities


Innovation Wins: Behind the Scenes of Design Competitions for Institutional Clients in Canada

Polishing Two Sandstone Jewels: Calgary City Hall and Government House, Halifax

RAIC - CCUSA Academic Summit on Architecture 

RAIC and CCA Special Event 

Creating Sustainable Beauty for an Inclusive Society

Architecture as a Vector for Learning Environments

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Advocacy and Engagement Showcase 

Gender Inclusive Design Study

Health and Wellness

Unlocking the WELL Standard Through the Lens of Cognitive Neuroscience

Heritage Conservation

The Final Act: Le Grand Theatre de Quebec

Modern Heritage, a Wealth to be Preserved

Indigenous Design

Facilitating an Indigenous-led design process through collaboration

RAIC ITF and TRTF Special Event: Indigenous Architecture Day 

Crown-Indigenous Co-Design- Spiritual Spaces

Practice / Business

Looking Forward, Building on the Past

Accelerating growth: How architectural firms can boost efficiency through innovation

The Business of Architecture: Innovation and Resiliency in Contemporary Practice

Beyond Utilization: The Business of Architecture

Choose your own breach: An interactive approach to mitigating cyber threats within your firm

Reimagining the Possibilities: A Guide to Mid-Rise Wood Construction in Canada

Sustainability / Climate

Opening Event - Inspiring Commitment and Engagement to Climate Action

A Practical Approach to Selecting Windows for Residential Buildings in Canada

Raising the Floor: Cutting Embodied Carbon takes a Whole Design Team

Whole Life Zero: The Design of High-Performance Buildings Across Climate Zones

Sustainability and ESG in architecture: Emerging trends and considerations

Harnessing Meaningful Change: Developing a Carbon Action Strategy

Closing Event - RAIC CORE Special Event

Urbanism & Architecture

Placemaking Through Architecture, Art and Design

Agent Based Modeling of Social Interaction to support Community Resilience

A Place to Call Home – an Inclusive Approach to Affordable Housing

Urban Design for Intensification and Sustainability in Cities and Suburbs

Redesigning Urban Infrastructure for Resilient, Sustainable and Healthy Urbanism

Just the ticket: Presenting sustainable, transit-oriented design for Canada

City of Our Immediate Future: Mapping Intensification in Toronto

Place des Montréalaises 21 Women: re calibrating public space for inclusion and social equity