OTTAWA, September 5, 2018 – In a departure from tradition, the architects behind some of Canada’s best new buildings and spaces are coming to Winnipeg for an awards ceremony at Government House and to share their award-winning projects at a special public event.
On September 13, the Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba will host an awards ceremony for the Governor General’s Medals in Architecture and the Governor General’s Medal in Landscape Architecture at Government House. It is believed to be the first time the national ceremony is in Manitoba. The awards are traditionally presented by the Governor General of Canada at Rideau Hall in Ottawa.
On September 12, the public is invited to a free evening of lively presentations at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The 13 award recipients will share stories of their extraordinary projects, from conception to execution.
Two Manitoba projects will be honoured during this two-day celebration, presented by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) the Manitoba Association of Architects, the Canada Council for the Arts and the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects.
Parallelogram House, designed by the high-profile Winnipeg firm 5468796 architecture, is among the 12 Governor General’s Medals in Architecture recipients. Johanna Hurme, Chair of the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, is one of the firm’s co-founders.
The Forks, Winnipeg’s much-loved gathering and recreational space, will receive the Legacy Project Award, given by the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects, at the public lecture.
“We are thrilled that the Honourable Janice Filmon has welcomed us to Government House,” says RAIC President Michael Cox, FRAIC, a Brandon-based architect. “Winnipeg has countless examples of great architecture and public spaces. We are proud to be here to celebrate the accomplishments of architects from across the country.”
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