RAIC Heritage Conservation Continuing Education Survey | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


RAIC Heritage Conservation Continuing Education Survey

The RAIC would like to thank all members who took the time to participate in the 2018 Heritage Conservation Continuing Education survey! With over 200 hundred responses received, our members have made it clear that there is a strong audience for continuing education offerings in this field.

The survey was one step in a multi-stage research phase for the development of new continuing education opportunities related to heritage conservation, including stakeholder interviews and a gap analysis of existing offerings. The survey was designed by Mary Hanna and Karen Trivino, summer interns at the RAIC through the SSHRC-funded New Paradigm / New Tools for Architectural Heritage in Canada partnership training grant administered by the Carleton Immersive Media Studio (CIMS), at Carleton University.

The purpose of the survey is to provide valuable insight into the development of continuing education courses in architectural heritage conservation.The data received has allowed the Program Office to gain a better understanding of the scope of heritage conservation projects and areas of specific interest in the conservation and heritage field, from RAIC members. The aim is to develop content for architects, by architects, within this area of specialization.

Survey Highlights

From an initial reading of the survey results, a grand majority of 94.3% of those surveyed expressed interested in continuing education courses related to the field of heritage conservation, with adaptive reuse being the area of greatest interest of focus. Additionally, a strong interest was expressed in the Standards and Guidelines.

A link can be drawn between the educational and the professional environment. Most members perceive themselves to be in the beginning phases of their career, with 60% having not taken courses in heritage conservation previously. Of the respondents of the survey, only 12.44% were members of the Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals (CAHP), with just 36.79% considering themselves to be heritage conservation specialist. The RAIC aims to reduce the gap between architectural practice and the demand in heritage conservation education in Canada. The two most sited reasons for interest in conservation-related continuing education were professional development and personal interest.