Syllabus SNAC update | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


Syllabus SNAC update

The RAIC Syllabus Program is the alternate path to architectural licensure in Canada. The work-study program is built on a practice model and is operated and managed by the RAIC on behalf of the profession. The success of the Syllabus Program is built on a small army of volunteer design studio coordinators and instructors, supervising architects, and mentors as well as the support of Athabasca University in delivering the online theory, history and technical courses.  

Following a call for volunteers this past fall, numerous applications were received to join a refreshed Syllabus National Advisory Committee (SNAC). The RAIC welcomes new and returning members:

  • Brian Oakley, FRAIC, Edmonton
  • Frances Martin-DiGuiseppe, MRAIC, Toronto (Syllabus alumnus)
  • Vincent Alcaide, MRAIC, Ottawa (Syllabus alumnus)
  • Anna Batebe, Calgary
  • Gord Richards, FRAIC, Vancouver, Chair 

Dr. Doug McLeod, Director of the RAIC Centre for Architecture at Athabasca, Athabasca University, and Donald Ardiel, Director, Practice Support/Director, Syllabus will fill their respective organizational roles. Tom Emodi, Halifax, will continue as the volunteer coordinator's representative to the SNAC.