Candidates for the position of Chancellor, RAIC College of Fellows | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


Candidates for the position of Chancellor, RAIC College of Fellows

Amir Hemani, Life Member AAA, AIBC, FRAIC, B. Arch., R. I. Dipl.

Amir has been in many committees and panels of AAA, AIBC, RAIC since 1978 including Jury member, Consensual Resolution, Safety Codes Council, Barrier Free Design up-grade 2014 Code, Continuing Education, Building Standards, Public Relations etc.     

He assists new immigrants to better settle in Canada and is continuing his campaign since 1986.   
He graduated from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, member  
RAIC since 1978, Fellowship in 2015, AAA since 1979, Life Member in 2015. He is running his Architectural practice for more than 25 years and has worked more than 44 years in the Canadian architectural profession.

His education and appointments are clear evidence that he has been recognized as a person with experience, know how, great passion and skill who can lead any organization. He is loved for his dedication to the profession.

Young graduate architects are facing difficulty and spending a long time to obtain registration. His vision is to assist these architects to obtain registration in a timely manner. He also wants the Canadian architectural profession to be the guiding light of the world so that not only RAIC but Canada would be recognized as a universal leader. Architecture to him is not a job but an essence of his DNA.   


Diarmuid Nash, PP/FRAIC

I am submitting my name for the position of Chancellor of the College of Fellows.

While performing the principle duties of Chancellor, I will use my term to pursue three challenges.

1.    I will promote the sustainability and relevance of the College, so all will know what it offers, what it can provide, and for what it stands.

2.    I will work with our members in understanding their important value as members of the College and leaders in giving their time and talent to ensure the sustainability of our College,

3.    I will enhance the outreach of the College and leverage its activities by partnering with the RAIC on their key advocacy and strategic initiatives across the country.

My background for this position is rooted in two terms of experience on the Board of the Directors of the RAIC, including President, and two terms as a member of Council of the Ontario Association of Architects also serving as President.

This experience provided me with both insight and understanding of the strengths and limitations of our advocacy and regulatory organizations and their impact on our professional activities in the country.

I am a partner at Moriyama and Teshima Architects and a lecturer at the Daniels School of Architecture University of Toronto.

It would be a great honour to serve as your Chancellor.

Thank you.



For over twenty years after he graduated from McGill in 1976, J. Robert Thibodeau worked across Quebec, specializing in renovation work, heritage, asset maintenance and interiors. In 2000, keen to bring his perspective to Western Canada, he opened a second office in Vancouver, and has shared time between east and west since then.

This sensitivity to the many cultures of Canada makes Robert and ideal candidate for the role of the Chancellor of the College.

His commitment to Environmental leadership in Architecture led Robert to teaching Energy Environment in Buildings at McGill, and to chairing the OAQ’s Environmental Committee.

His long association with the RAIC includes roles as Regional Director representing Quebec and then second VP [Finance] on the RAIC Board, Registrar and currently Dean of the College. Robert is also Secretary-Treasurer of the RAIC Foundation and has co-led the College’s Mentoring Initiative.

Robert is well-respected across Canada and collaborates with numerous firms; he loves to connect people and make things happen.

As Chancellor, Robert will work with the RAIC Board and staff to assist in achieving the Institute’s strategic goals. In addition, Robert is committed to the health of the College of Fellows and the active engagement of Fellows in nurturing the next generation of Architects in Canada and in the world.