2023 RAIC Architectural Journalism and Media Award | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


2023 RAIC Architectural Journalism and Media Award

Dalhousie Architectural Press
Award Category: 
President’s Award for Media in Architecture

Dalhousie Architectural Press – formerly TUNS Press – has had a profound impact on, and provided a significant service to, Canadian architecture and architectural education from the 1980s to the present. A small, non-profit press based at Dalhousie’s Faculty of Architecture and Planning, DAP publishes original, high-quality books on Canadian architectural practices, ideas, and history. The support of architecture and planning in Canada is the focus of DAP’s volunteer Editorial Board: making work accessible to students, professionals, and the public; linking teaching and practice; building a culture of advanced scholarship; representing Canadian work and ideas at home and abroad; and identifying the significance of Canadian architecture as a function of our collective context and culture.  

DAP’s production includes the monograph series Documents in Canadian Architecture and Architectural Signatures Canada, both edited by Brian Carter; the Canadian Modern series on architectural history, edited by Michael Windover; Design Matters, addressing issues in Canadian and global architecture, edited by Christine Macy and Sarah Bonnemaison; Land/Forms, a new series on land, design, and infrastructure, edited by Michael Faciejew; and varied non-series publications. Board members also include Graham Gagnon (Chair), Hans Ibelings, Sascha Hastings, and Frank Palermo; former members include Michelangelo Sabatino and late co-founder Essy Baniassad. 

Jury Comment(s): 

Our ability to celebrate the unique voices of architecture across Canada is predicated on the dedication of journalists and media focusing time and resources that are increasingly scarce and more global in focus. A review of the publications produced by Dalhousie Press (formerly TUNS Press) shows that for over 40 years, it has covered the breadth and depth of Canadian architecture from coast to coast. Regional publications, historic documentation, and monographs by emerging practices and architecture's stalwarts are represented in carefully curated and beautifully published books. As a small press focusing on our built culture, it positions Canadian architecture within the broader international context, while teasing out the aspects of our own history and culture that makes the work truly Canadian. The jury was unanimous in its support and gratitude for the work of Dalhousie Architectural Press, with its continued impact on Canadian architecture.  

2023 Annual Awards Jury

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Dalhousie Architectural Press books

PHOTO - Dalhousie Architectural Press

Stack of publications

PHOTO - Dalhousie Architectural Press