Architectural Firm Award — 2016 Recipient | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


Architectural Firm Award — 2016 Recipient

MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects (MJMA)
Award Category: 
Architectural Firm Award

MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects (MJMA), is a Toronto firm that specializes in community recreation and sports buildings.

Founded in 1988 by John MacLennan, Viktors Jaunkalns, FRAIC, and David Miller, FRAIC, the firm today has more than 50 professionals and is led by the five partners, Viktors Jaunkalns, David Miller, Andrew Filarski, Robert Allen and Ted Watson. In addition to architects, the team includes designers in landscape architecture, interior design and environmental graphic design.

Over 28 years, the firm has advanced the development of new forms of community hubs, combining diverse programs. The more than 70 completed projects include  sports and recreation centres, wellness programs, cultural facilities, libraries, and municipal and academic buildings.

Among them are the Branksome Hall Athletic and Wellness Centre in Toronto (2014), the University of Toronto Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport in Toronto (with Patkau Architects, 2014) and the Commonwealth Community Recreation Centre in Edmonton (2012).

The firm has earned more than 40 national awards, including a Governor General’s Medal in Architecture in 1999 for Rotary Park Pool in Etobicoke, ON.

Jury Comment(s): 

"MJMA has consistently achieved a very high quality of architecture and bold clarity throughout its large body of work. In addition to the spectacular spatial qualities, the architecture exhibits a clear problem-solving approach so that it truly works. "

"The wellness approach to the designs was appreciated, contributing to the broader communities in which the projects are located."

"The execution of a wide variety of projects, often undertaken as part of complex multi-disciplinary teams, exhibits a mature and admirable discipline. This has resulted in a special quality and simple elegance to the large scale buildings, which often feature the structural engineering as a component of the design."

"Recognized experts in the community pool and recreational building type, they have produced a body of work in this particular building typology that is consistently of the highest design quality and that features a range of rich spatial and massing inventiveness."

"This inventiveness is not just wilful but rather is focused on addressing the specific project opportunities, and has resulted in projects that are each unique given their varied context and program but which are all similar in terms of the quality of the internal public realm."

Click for full version: 
Regent Park Aquatic Centre Park & W Elevation

Photo: Shai Gil

Commonwealth Community Recreation Centre

Photo: Tom Arban

Branksome Hall Athletics & Wellness Centre Natatorium

Photo: Shai Gil

Audley Recreation Centre

Photo: Shai Gil

Centennial College Ashtonbee Campus Student HUB

Photo: Shai Gil

Brampton Community Soccer Centre Entrance

Photo: Tom Arban

Clear Lake Cottage

Photo: Ben Rahn

Chinguacousy Park Redevelopment Ski Chalet

Photo: Shai Gil

University of Toronto Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport

Photo: DoubleSpace