2024 RAIC Architectural Journalism and Media Award | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


2024 RAIC Architectural Journalism and Media Award

Jim Taggart, Architectural Journalist
Award Category: 
RAIC Architectural Journalism and Media Award

Jim’s work as an architectural journalist began 25 years ago. Since then, he has written more than twenty books, fifty building case studies and one hundred articles. He has also been the editor of Sustainable Architecture and Building Magazine (SABMag) since its inception in 2006.

Jim’s areas of focus have been advocacy for the greater use of wood in contemporary architecture and the evolution of sustainable design in Canada. His award winning 2012 book, Toward a Culture of Wood Architecture, was a catalyst in the transformation of the industry and the adoption of mass timber construction in Canada. As co-author of Tall Wood Buildings: Design, Construction and Performance (2020), that advocacy and influence continue today.

Jim’s work has also broadened the national conversation on sustainability, expanding its early focus on the ‘hardware’ of high efficiency building systems, to embrace the ‘software’ of societal values and priorities. He has incorporated these values into the criteria for the annual Canadian Green Building (SAB) Awards, for which he is the professional advisor. Jim’s award winning 2019 book The Architecture of Engagement drew on his years of work at SABMag, to argue for a more human-centred approach to sustainability.

Jury Comment(s): 

Jim Taggart is a Canadian architectural journalist who has made remarkable contributions to the field over the past decades. He has advocated for innovative architecture his entire career through architectural publications and pushing the boundaries of sustainability and green building. Taggart has also been promoting Canadian architecture's technical and civic potential for a long time. We acknowledge him for his dedication to learning, sharing knowledge, and creating forums for public discourse that benefit us all. His contributions have brought awareness to entire generations of architects and donors. 

2024 Annual Awards Jury

Click for full version: 
Towards a Culture of Wood Architecture cover
SABMag cover
Architecture of Engagement cover
SABMag Awards cover