Architecture for a Regenerating Life- REGULAR | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


Architecture for a Regenerating Life- REGULAR


Architecture for a Regenerating Life

This webinar is part of the RAIC 2023 Conference on Architecture, now available to stream!

Topics: Climate Justice and Resilience, Sustainability, Adaptation and Mitigation

Length: 1 hour | What's Included: Video, Quiz, and Certificate of Completion 

It feels like we are living in an upside down world. Ecosystem collapse, civil conflict, and social disruption suddenly seem like real possibilities to anyone plugged into the news, and the needed urgency for action tends to eclipse the conservative pace of the building industry. In this period of rapid change, it is important to ask what constructive role architects can play to effectively meet these great challenges. The belief of the presenter is that the way forward lies with regeneration and regenerative design. With this in mind, the presentation will explore three questions as a way of demonstrating that the discipline of regenerative design can help to define a meaningful role for architects in meeting our collective challenges. Asking the question “what do we value?” will demonstrate how regenerative design can establish a framework for resilience and climate-focused decision making. The question “how might we work?” will show how a carefully structured integrated design process that mirrors cooperation in nature becomes a critical part of a successful project. Finally, through the question “where are we going?” the way by which the principles of regenerative design can appear in an architect’s work will be illustrated.
Drawing extensively from the presenter’s own portfolio of built work, themes covered will include: the relationship of regenerative projects to larger social systems; the ways that buildings can reconnect us with nature; how a professional preoccupation with the ‘object’ can hinder architects from fulfilling the promise of the profession; and most importantly, how the sensual and technical qualities of water, energy, carbon, materials, and living things can form the basis of an architectural language suited to the unique challenges of the 21st century.

Learning Objectives:

By the completion of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Define regenerative design in architecture.
  • Describe the contribution of both a clearly defined value system and a dynamic and collaborative process to a regenerative project.
  • Identify concrete examples of regenerative design strategies in buildings.
  • Clearly describe the difference between regeneration and technical rating systems, and the way that they support one another, discuss the principles of regenerative design that can be immediately applied to their design process and projects.

Subject Matter Expert:

Mr. Michel Labrie

Principal, Architect AIBC, Local Practice Architecture + Design Ltd.

Thoughtful, inspiring, and approachable, Michel Labrie is a principal and co-founder of Local Practice Architecture + Design, focusing on regenerative design, integrated design process, public consultation, and green building research and education. An acknowledged leader in the field of sustainable construction in BC, Michel’s expertise is in the delivery of buildings that provide net benefits to their host communities and ecosystems. Michel also teaches regenerative design in the Architectural Science program at BCIT’s School of Construction and the Environment and at UBC’s School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture in the Master of Engineering Leadership in High Performance Building program.

Pricing A-La-Carte 

List price: $75.00
Member Price: 