COVID-19: Mises à jour, informations et promotion et défense des intérêts | Institut royal d'architecture du Canada

COVID-19: Mises à jour, informations et promotion et défense des intérêts

La santé, la sécurité et le bien-être de tous les intervenants de l'IRAC - y compris le conseil d'administration, le personnel, les bénévoles et les participants - sont au cœur de nos préoccupations. L'IRAC prend donc des mesures proactives pour contribuer à limiter la propagation de la COVID-19. L'IRAC suit de près la situation par l'entremise de l'Agence de la santé publique du Canada et de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, et prendra des décisions en fonction des renseignements communiqués. Ainsi, les renseignements suivants font état des changements apportés aux événements, aux activités et aux services offerts par l'IRAC et de l'incidence de COVID-19 sur ceux-ci.

En outre, les informations relatives à la COVID-19 seront publiées  .

COVID-19 and in-person events
* Updated: 2 Decembre, 2020
Since the COVID-19 disease was declared a global pandemic in March 2020, the RAIC has prioritized the health, safety and well-being of staff, volunteers and members. RAIC continues to monitor the current situation closely through the Public Health Agency of Canada and the World Health Organization. As of March 16, 2020, all RAIC staff have started working remotely and guidance has been provided to move all in-person activities to a virtual platform. This includes meetings, continuing education sessions, Syllabus program activities and special events, such as Architecture Congress 2020.


RAIC will be very cautious over the next few months and will request that all in-person activities continue on a virtual platform until further notice. Another update will be provided by January 31, 2021. We thank you in advance for your understanding during this time of uncertainty.

Continuing education sessions

* Update: 2 Decembre, 2020

During this period of physical distancing, it is important to stay in touch and be supported. RAIC will set up an online forum for you to ask questions, initiate discussions, communicate ideas and resources, and learn from each other. More details will be announced next week.
RAIC is committed to overcoming this difficult time and supporting the community as best they can. We will continue to promote and defend the interests of architects and the profession as reconstruction and restructuring begin. We are also working to implement solutions in response to the topics you mentioned. 
The recording of the Financial Management  During COVID-19  webinar presented by Basima Roshan, CPA, MBA is now available. This well attended session was rich in information and received very positive comments from the participants.  
This session is free to all participants and RAIC members can receive a continuing education certificate. 
Keep an eye on your inbox for more free webinars. 
Financé par le gouvernement du Canada en réponse à l'augmentation sans précédent de la détresse mentale causée par la pandémie de COVID-19. Les individus sont exposés comme jamais auparavant à des problèmes d'isolement, de santé physique, de toxicomanie, d'incertitude financière et professionnelle, ainsi qu'au débat émotionnel sur l'égalité raciale. Espace mieux-être Canada est une ressource qui peut aider tout le monde dans cette situation.

 COVID-19: FAQ Practical questions 

In response to questions from members related to practice during the COVID-19 pandemic, the RAIC convened a panel to answer frequently asked questions. Hosted by Former President, Michael J. Cox, this webinar features panelists Louis-Pierre Grégoire (Partner, Gowling WLG), Craig J. Stehr (Partner, Gowling WLG) and Don Ardiel, MRAIC, Director, Practice Support , IRAC).

Adapting to COVID-19  

Are you having trouble adjusting to COVID-19? With the rapidly changing environment and the stresses caused by the pandemic, join Anxiety Canada's Certified Clinical Advisor, Mark Antczak, to discuss why anxiety is so prevalent in everyone's lives, learn strategies and evidence-based research tools to reduce our anxiety; and learn how to use the Mindshift app (developed by Anxiety Canada) to help you and your loved ones cope with your overworked brains. 


 Mindfulness on a daily basis for architects

In this session, you will learn about mindfulness and how it can help you deal with some of the stresses in your life. You will also be introduced to some of the research supporting mindfulness. The instructor will walk you through short mindfulness practices that you can use in everyday life, including guided meditations, eating meditation, and mindfulness tools to help manage difficult emotions and thoughts. . Presented by Tom Heah, Certified Occupational Therapist. 

The recording of the town hall session

Did you miss this virtual event hosted by President John Brown? You can access the recording  here. 

Financial Management During COVID-19 

The full impact of COVID-19 on the architectural profession is unknown and no one can say what the future holds. But by planning ahead, reacting quickly, making the right decisions on the spot, and thinking long term, you and your business will be better prepared for whatever comes next. Now is the time to protect your financial situation and put money management first. Presented by Basima Roshan, CPA, MBA. 

In addition, for a limited time, the RAIC offers a deferred payment option for all continuing education offers. The deferred payment option allows participants to defer their payment until September 30, 2020, when the amount will be automatically debited from their credit card. If you would like to choose the deferred payment option, please contact Pamela Burke, Educational Programs Administrator, at 613-241-3600, ext. 205.


* Update: 2 Decembre, 2020

On March 18, 2020, RAIC sent letters urging the government to include small, medium and large businesses in the architectural sector in its financial support. We received a lot of feedback from our members who wanted to know how to lend their voice to this initiative and reinforce the message.

A sample letter is available here

On March 24, 2020, the RAIC sent a follow-up letter to the government to defend the interests of its members and the architectural sector. Specifically, we urged the government to immediately make the funds outlined in the economic plan to respond to COVID-19 available to small, medium and large businesses.

The impact of COVID-19 continues to jeopardize the viability of all businesses. The consequences for personnel and service delivery can be severe for businesses, especially those with limited resources. The economic impact continues to be widespread and significant.

In addition, we have asked the government to resume as quickly as possible the usual activities in the architectural and construction sector. The architecture and construction industry depends on government supported jobs and we have advocated for people in this industry to continue working.

On March 31, 2020, the RAIC sent a third letter to the federal Minister of Finance, urging the government to quickly make the announced new wage subsidy available to architects and firms of all sizes.

More specifically, we congratulated the Government of Canada on the announcement made on March 25, 2020 to increase the wage subsidy from 10% to 75% and asked that this fund be accessible immediately to deal with the financial difficulties caused by the pandemic. of COVID-19.

Your comments are important and we thank you for your participation. 

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the recent survey regarding the impact of COVID-19 on their practice. A visual summary of the effects of COVID-19 can be read below. 

Thank you to everyone who responded to our second survey.



We have learned that many of our members have joined the outreach effort by writing to their MPs and federal ministers. We thank you for this support. Our collective voice is strong, and we encourage RAIC members and stakeholders to continue to lend their voices and spread the message to make the voice of the architectural profession heard - a vital sector for the Canadian economy. . If you continue to send letters, please send us a copy (, so that we can help you in your process.

Conference 2020

* Updated: March 24, 2020

L'IRAC a pris la décision difficile mais nécessaire d’annuler la Conférence sur l'architecture et tous les événements pré-conférence, prévus du 2 au 7 juin 2020 à Edmonton, en Alberta.   


La résolution créative de problèmes est au cœur de la pratique de l’architecture et l'IRAC met à profit cette force pour planifier les prochaines étapes.   

L’IRAC a préparé une FAQ détaillée pour nos fidèles délégués, détenteurs de laissez-passer, commanditaires et exposants. Des mises à jour continueront d'être communiquées à nos membres par le biais d'avis électroniques et du site  

Travel Suspension Notice

* Updated: 2 Decembre, 2020

À compter du 16 mars 2020, l'IRAC a temporairement suspendu tous les voyages liés au travail de tous les administrateurs, employés, bénévoles et représentants jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Cette mesure sera réévaluée quotidiennement. Soyez assurés que notre équipe s'efforce de rester en bonne santé, de ne pas voyager, de maintenir une attitude positive et de collaborer pendant cette urgence de santé publique. Nous sommes convaincus d'avoir pris des mesures importantes jusqu'à présent pour protéger l'IRAC et ses intervenants, et nous évaluons activement les événements qui se déroulent en avril, mai et juin. Nous ferons des mises à jour régulières par le biais du bulletin, du site Web et des réseaux sociaux.

Suspension of regular RAIC office hours

* Updated: 2 Decembre, 2020

On Friday March 13, 2020, RAIC CEO Mike Brennan announced that the head office would be closed temporarily for two weeks and implemented a remote working system for all staff. Remote working is a valid option for RAIC staff who have the necessary tools to minimize disruption to RAIC activities.

You can consult the RAIC staff directory by clicking here if you need to reach a staff member directly. Please note that email is the preferred way to communicate with RAIC staff during this time.

Additional Resources


The Business Resilience Service (SRE)

Offers these free services for small and medium businesses between May 25 and June 19: 

  • Guidance on COVID-19 Financial Support Program Options and Eligibility 
  • Guidance on accessing the most appropriate support organizations 
  • Help with making decisions that support recovery plans 
  • Real-time intelligence and feedback to policy makers 

o To access the SRE, dial 1-866-989-1080 to speak with a business advisor from the accounting profession. The service is available 7 days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET (5 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT). 

Pathways to Resilience: Strategies for a World in Upheaval - Free Webinar  Series 

o A resource designed for those going through difficult times and those providing support through difficult times that offers tools that, when integrated into daily life, allow us to better cope with the difficulties inherent in life. Presented by Dr. Rachel Thibeault, occupational therapist and recipient of the Order of Canada for her work in rehabilitation and social integration programs 

Month Day

March                                                                  16 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 24 , 25 , 27


April                                                                         1 , 8 , 16 , 2330

May                                                                          7 , 14 , 21 , 28

June                                                                         12

Juillet                                                                        9, 30

Septembre                                                             10

Octobre                                                                   5

Novembre                                                               5

Decembre                                                              3