Mercredis en ligne sur demande | Institut royal d'architecture du Canada

Mercredis en ligne sur demande

Système de gestion de la formation continue de l'IRAC

Le nouveau système de gestion de la formation continue de l'IRAC vous permet d'accéder aux webinaires précédents, aux nouveaux cours personnalisés et au contenu exclusif en ligne. Apprendre en ligne est simple! Inscrivez-vous à des cours en tout temps et maîtrisez des compétences essentielles dans le confort de votre foyer ou de votre bureau. Une fois que vous aurez terminé le cours, vous recevrez un certificat de formation continue.

Disponible en lecture en direct!


Good Design is Inclusive Design l 1 hour

How to Hold Accessible Meetings and Consultations l 1 hour

Through Other Eyes: How People with Vision Loss See Your Buildings l 1 hour

How do we Know When a Design is Accessible l 1 hour

An Investigation of the Costs of Accessibility - Building to RHFAC Gold l 1 hour

Les technologies émergentes / Science et enveloppe du bâtiment 

The Application of Drone Technology in Architecture l 1 Hour

Introduction to 3D Laser Scanning for Architecture l 1 hour

The Emergence of Virtual Reality: Using Game Engines to Visualize 3D Space l 1 Hour

Bahá’í Temple of South America: Implementation Of Advanced Technology From Design Through Construction l 1 Hour

The Past, Present and Future of Curtain Wall l 1 Hour

Technical Detailing for High Performance Buildings l 1 Hour

Thermal Comfort in Glass Envelopes [Increasing façade transparency interests, interiors’ space dynamics, and management strategies for healthy skins’ performance] l 1 Hour

Five Key Quality Assurance Take-Aways that Every Architect Should Know l 1 Hour

La diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion en architecture

Diversity in Practice l 1 Hour

Supporting Inclusiveness in Architecture l 1 Hour

Women in Architecture and Gender Parity in the Workplace l 1 Hour

Return on Investment - Women and Leadership in Architecture l 1 Hour

Conception pour le bien-être  

Navigating a Pandemic and Designing for Human Health l 1 Hour

Designing Buildings for People l 1 Hour

Bio-Regenerative Building Design – Indoor nature-based solutions for wellness l 1 Hour

Health and Wellness: Designing from the Inside Out and the Outside In l 1 Hour

Conservation du patrimoine

Digital Recording of Existing and Historic Buildings for Conservation l 1 Hour

Structural Considerations for Heritage Buildings l 1 Hour

Designing for Historic Places:  Getting the Balance Right l 1 Hour

Rehabilitation of Augustines' Monastery, Québec City l 1 Hour

Réhabilitation du Monastère des Augustines l 1 Hour

La conception autochtone

Not for us Without us: Pursuing Design with Indigenous Communities in a Good Way l 1 Hour

Indigenuity l 1 Hour

Supporting Indigenous Initiated Architecture in Canada l 1 hour

Indigenous Planning and Architecture: Thoughts on Practicing with an Open Mind l 1 Hour

Soutenir l'architecture initiée par les Autochtones grâce au programme d'études en architecture l 1 Hour


Candian Standard Form Of Contract For Architectureal Services Document Six 2018 Edition l 1 Hour

Checklists for those who Hate Checlists l 1 Hour

Supporting Inclusiveness in Architecture l 1 Hour

How to Calculate Fees l 1 Hour

Durabilité / Climat

The Passive House Way to Net Zero Standards l 1 Hour

Integrated hybrid systems: A case study of low energy building design l 1 Hour

Leading the Change Towards Ultra Low-Energy and Passive House Buildings l 1 Hour

Climate Resilient Infrastructure - Where to from here l 1 Hour

Resilience & Introduction to RELi Program l 1 Hour

Planning for Resilience in a Climate-changed World l 1 Hour

Achieving Zero Carbon in Mixed Used Buildings l 1 Hour

L’urbanisme et l’architecturer

Towards Sustainable Canadian Urbanism - the Architect's Role l 1 Hour

Designing for Future Mobility: Developing a Framework for the Livable Future City l 1 Hour

Comprehensive Density for Community Space l 1 Hour

Change is coming! Understanding the future of design in our mixed-use environment l 1 hour

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