Leading the Change Towards Ultra Low-Energy and Passive House Buildings | REGULAR | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


Leading the Change Towards Ultra Low-Energy and Passive House Buildings | REGULAR

SKU: CEWW200418

Explore the required changes coming for high-performance, ultra low-energy building through case studies of large PH buildings.

Leading the Change Towards Ultra Low-Energy and Passive House Buildings

Webday Wednesday Series

Topics: Sustainability

Length: 1 hour l What's included: video, quiz, certificate of completion

High-performance, ultra low-energy buildings are coming to national and provincial codes, with Passive House buildings required in Vancouver and Toronto by 2030. Low-energy new-build and retrofits are key to meet our GHG emission targets and build climate change resiliency. Canadian practices will become leaders in this effort.

The design process for high performance buildings is fundamentally different and will take some adjustment. Required changes will be explored through case studies of large PH buildings (student residences, residential towers). Insights will equip Canadian practices with tools to integrate high performance into their core work and be ready for the future.

Learning Objectives: 
At the conclusion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the role of ultra low-energy buildings (including Passive House) in meeting provincial and national climate change policy and objectives.
  • Highlight the shift in design process required to deliver ultra low-energy (and Passive House) buildings, with the necessity of an integrated, energy budgeting design process
  • Describe new design performance metrics, the necessity of energy budget concepts, and how they can drive and inform design.
  • List and explain additional reasons why we should focus on delivering ultra low-energy buildings to meet key future goals.

Subject Matter Expert

Marine Sanchez, C.Eng., CPHD, PHI-accredited Certifier
Passive House Specialist
RDH Building Science Inc. 

Pricing A-La-Carte 

Member: $50  /  Non-Member: $75  
Intern Member: $35  /  Intern Non-Member: $50  
Student: $25
  (must be an RAIC student associate member)  


This is a recording of a live event. 
This webinar is part of a series! See more like this here. 

List price: $75.00
Member Price: 